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Resident Evil 3 Reviews


This section is for reveiws that are sent to me via e-mail. Send me your reviews and I'll post them here.

Name: Deron
E-mail address:

If I had to rate Res Evil 3 on a scale of 1-10, I would rate it a 7 or 8. If you are a Res Evil series fan, I would recommend reading some reviews and at least playing the demo or renting the game first. You may (or may not) be disappointed. Kinda dissapointed with RES evil 3 (the actual game, not the demo). As the game goes on, you realize the lack of innovation on the game designers. A lot of the puzzles are the same, although a few of them take a while to figure out. (I recommend getting some paper and pencil before sitting down to play the game.) There are some "new" weapons, but they are much like the weapons in the first two games. Uh.... what the heck happened to Chris Redfield? Besides some stupid epilogue, Chris is not to be found anywhere in the game. I was under the impression (from the ending sequence in Res Evil 2) that the third game would involve finding Chris in some way. This is really neccesary in order to give closure to the Res Evil series. Now I'm just left confused. The ending is rather short (considering this is supposed to be the finale of a trilogy) and anticlimatic... but, at least the final boss showdown does not involve someone throwing you a rocket launcher with just enough ammo to kill the boss and in just the nick of time. (The final showdown of the first two games are almost identical.) I won't ruin it for those who haven't played by giving away the ending. The movement of the characters in Res Evil 2 was better than Res Evil 1. They (Claire and Leon) sort of leaned forward and charged when they ran. Looked more natural. Now, in Res Evil 3, Jill's movement is back to the old movements in the first game. She looks off-balance when she runs. The duck/evasive maneuver is a nice add-on, but it would be better if the button to activate this was not the same as the ones used to shoot. Also, the 180 degree turn should be a separate button, like in Dino Crisis (which, incidently, is a better game than Res Evil 3.) The mercenary mode is good, but I don't like it as well as Extreme Battle Mode in Res Evil 2. I like the non-linear game play through most of the game, and the multiple pathways your story can take. This adds replayability to the game. Res Evil 3 is a good game... but when you decide to make a final game in a trilogy, it really needs to be superior to the first two.

Name: ?

I would review this game as an 8. It is really fun, but the ending was kinda a letdown. The graphics are great and the Mercenaries minigame is AWESOME. anyway, this game is the best in the series, and it is legendary.

Name: Ed Perrett

From what I've played so far, I would have to say that Resident Evil 3 is very impressive. I haven't played any of the other games of the series, but at my first sitting I played for 2 hours straight and couldn't turn away. The puzzles are challenging enough to be hard, but easy enough to not spend a lot of time on. This game reminds me exactly of Silent Hill which I thoruoghly enjoyed. The puzzles are fun, and the zombies are realistic. I think that Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis will surpass all other games as the survival/horror game!