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Exerpts from my Journal

July 20,2001

July 20, 2001
Today especially I have been re-thinging my career choice. Lately my job has been horrible, today I hated that I had to go to work. I don't want to spend all the time becoming a nurse to learn that I don't like it. But the type of nursing I want to do is on the mission field, but then the thought of, "what if I marry someone who doesn't feel led to go on the mission field, would I sit down and settle into a job to keep the bills paid (if I needed to or to occupy my time)? But what is something I'd be happy doing? Teaching? Writing? Photography?
I don't think I'd want to teach and I wouldn't want to have to write or do it for anything more than recreation. I think I could do photography. :) So should I double in photography?
I've spent so much time planning my life for the moment, but I really have to think of down the road. Will I be happy? Will I want this years from now? Will I be married by the time I finish school and will that effect my decision? What do I really want?

I went to seek comfort in the one place I knew I'd find it: God's Word. I was going to read today's 'Daily Bread,' but I stopped at the cover. The verse was Lamentations 3:25 "The Lord is good to those that wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him." That verse really jumped out at me. I turned my Bible to Lamentations 3 and read the entire chapter.
