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Dedicated and About My Mom


As the deer longs for the water of the brooks,
So longs my soul for you, O God.(This is the quote that's hard to read on the deer pic above)

Mistress_of_Mischief aka ImARayOfFckingSunshine aka Annoying_lil_Bytch...aka....Just_Bytch......aka...strray_puppy...aka....puppy_grrl Just someone tryin to make life better for herself

Insane Town, State of Confusion


Welcome to my page, and my life. I am doing this page in a sort of dedication to my mom, and to talk about her, and me. This will also hopefully become a sort of online diary.

My mom's name is Patricia, or she was known online as Furrface, a name she picked from one of her cat's...LOL. Currently, my mom is in a nursing home in a coma. She was involved in a car wreck on December 7th, 1998 when driving home from work and hit a patch of ice causing her to slide out of control and into oncoming traffic where she was hit on the passenger side of her car by a van going 35 mph. She was unconcious when the ambulance arrived and rushed her to the hospital. She had many cuts and bruises and such from the wreck and all the broken glass, ....she had all the ribs broken on her right side, and hole in her right lung,she had a small hole in her left lung, a bronchai that was ripped almost completely off,she had to have her breathing tubes sowed up, and she had a small bruise on her brain, tho that was not the cause of the coma. They are still not sure why she went into the coma. She also had a stroke, about 24 hours after entering the hospital. They performed surgery on her for 5 hours that nite, sowing her back together, and placing a tube in her brain, so they could drain it when is swelled. She came out of the surgery with minor complications, and stayed in the local hospital for a month in the ICU unit. After all that, she was still comatose, and so, they transfered her to a Coma Rehabilitation hospital in another town about a 5-6 hours drive away. She stayed there for about a month and one week and was recently transferred back here and into a nursing home.

{The above, was written when all of this began, after this point, i will describe what has happened}

She is the in the same nursing home that my grandmother was in, my grandmother very recently passed away. I haven't seen my mother in over a year now, as I left Idaho when the state took over control of her estate, and I traveled the country, first going to Phoenix Arizona, then Wichita Falls, Texas, on to Conway, Arkansas, then, Coopersville, Michigan, and now, Arlington Texas where I think I'll be settling down.

I've been in Arlington almost two months now, I love this area, and so I've finally decided to settle down.

Right now, I'm attempting to save up some money so I can fly home to visit my mother, because she's begining to get memories back now, and she thinks she has killed someone with her wreck, and recalling things that have happened between us in the past, is seriously distressing her.... I really hate not being able to go to her right this second.... she needs me badly..and there's nothing I can do... Also, I'm planning on going back to school, and I'd like to get a new computer of my own, so I can continue learning web design.

Well, I guess that's it for now, shall we continue?

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