I do not own the characters of Ranma 1/2 and am using them without permission I am making no money off of this so I very much hope the creator and owners of Ranma 1/2 do not sue me.

This is the new first chapter of the rewritten my only friend it covers the all of what the previous fanfic did aswell it will also be much better this time around and alot has been changed hopefully for the better.

Ranma 1/2: My Only Friend

Chapter 1: Then End of Honor

Outside of a Dojo by a small Koi pond a young man with dark hair set on a rock a purplish bruise under his right eye and a small bandage on his chin. He was dressed in black pants with a red Chinese style shirt his long black hair was tied in a pigtail and he was staring at the pond wondering why it seemed that his Fiance seemed intent to kill him.


Ranma sighed he and Akane had had an extreme argument which had degenerated into a heated debate about her poor physical devolopement and ended with him being hammered into the ground now as he set thinking. "Why can't we just get along I thought I loved her but I see she doesn't love me atleast not enough to listen to me." Ranma sighed and closed his eyes he didn't do this often his father had said meditation and trying to find inner peace was a waste of time but right now he needed to see probably his only friend.

Ranma looked out over the huge field of waving green grass that represented his soul searching for his closest friend he smiled as the huge tiger Nekko bounded up and pounced on him licking his face as the two rolled around fighting on the ground which wasn't real. "I bet the others would think it strange I consider you my friend Nekko I mean I have a terrible fear of cats but then to me your not a cat your the one who protected me from the cats in that pit when you showed up you got me to safety" Ranma puzzled briefly over the idea of telling the others just to see if they would belive him. "No I remember what happened the last time I told someone."

Ranma's smile faded as he remembered Genma beating him when he mentioned Nekko he still remembered Genma's words "I will not have some pansy day dreaming son with imaginary friends grow up" He could still remember that beating because at the time he was still to weak from the Nekko-ken training to even put up a fight. Ranma remembed that because that had been when he really began to hate his father despite all that had been done before he still loved his father but after that night when he was beaten to unconciousness he had learned to hate the man instead.

"I should have let Nekko kill that bastard" Ranma thought if he had it would have prevented some of his problems. Nekko looked at Ranma darkly as if to say I still could "No Nekko he is still my father like it or not, and I’m pretty sure mom would be mad." Ranma sadly thought about his mother the images of her visit when he’d been Ranko springing to mind unbidden "I wish I could talk to mom but I'm just to afraid she would reject me I couldn't take that to bad you can't help me" Ranma burried his head in Neko's fur to stop the tears which threatend to come whenever he thought of his mother. Nekko purred softly and licked Ranma's face as if to say I understand "Too bad you can't come with me to back me up" The huge cat looked at him as if to say why not. Ranma got an idea "Lets try this let me carry you back lets both be concious at the same time" Ranma leaned down to pick the large cat up nearly falling as Nekko tried to jump up into his arms he closed his eyes.

And opened them again beside the Koi pond he felt Nekko with him he looked in the water his eyes were now catlike "Lets go my friend" With that Ranma lept to the fence and headed for his mothers house with a extreme grace he had never had before.

Meanwhile in her room a young girl fumed stroking her beloved pet pig P-Chan in an attempt to calm down. She was pretty ina tomboyish way except for the fact her face was filled with anger her short hair only serving to make her look more like a boy.

"That stupid perverted idiot" Akane said to the small black pig on her lap. "You know P-chan first I catch him with that chinese bimbo shampoo at lunch then when catch up to him at supper he acts like I should listen to his lies." "Then he has the nerve to say I'm a flat chested tomboy who wouldn't get mairried if my father didn't force me on him" She looked close to tears "I never thought you could fall out of love once you were in it but I don't think I can love Ranma now" she failed to notice the smile that appeared on the black pigs face.

"You know P-chan your my only real friend" P-chan looked up at her with big eyes. "I have other friends like Ryoga but he stays lost so much I don't really know him." "and the girls at school say I'm lying about how bad ranma is" Akane fell down crying something she only did in private she had shown no public weakness since her mothers death her father lost it enough for the whole family.

Akane walked to the window and looked out and Ranma sitting there meditating like nothing had happened she got angry and decided to go beat him into the ground again. Then suddenly he stood up said something she couldn't hear and bounded in the direction of his mothers house. Akane froze Ranma was allways fast and gracefull but the only time he was that quick was when he was in Nekko-ken which meant he was heading toward his mothers house. "Oh no he could hurt Aunt Nodako" Akane grabbed her coat and ran out of the dojo she headed with all her the speed she could muster hopefully she would arrive before ranma did something he would regret. Not noticing the black pig rushing as fast as he could into the bathroom after making several wrong turns and going threw different rooms.

Nabiki watched as Ryoga ran threw the halls trying to change himself back to follow Akane where she had just stormed off to. She really didn’t care she was fed up with the whole mess unlike Kasumi she knew the family was in trouble and in for a rude awakening one of these days.

She headed into her room and set the tea she had gotten down beside her ledger and began to recheck the figures even though they were obvious that the family was just going to barely scrape by this month and that was thanks to her emergency fund which had at one point been her college savings.

She had been avoiding any schemes involving Ranma since he was very close to the breaking point. "Not even a normal person could take this mess let alone someone with as many problems as Ranma." Nabiki thought to herself with a twang of guilt over her part in all this. "But I have no choice if I don’t do what I do then this family will starve."

So Nabiki once again bottled her feelings up and assumed the roll of the Ice Queen. "Regardless of the fact it cost me any chance at Happiness I won’t let this family starve." she vowed to herself.

As Akane ran down the street she passed a small resturant that had Uchan’s hung on a curtain over the door. Inside a brownhaird girl dressed in men’s clothes was busily preparing to close up shop for the day.

Ukyou was incredibly happy she had made enough extra money these past few weeks to take a day off to spend with Ranma. She smiled as she mentally prepared her scheadule she’d get up early enough to fix a big lunch then go get Ranma to go with her on a picnic.

She noticed Akane running down the street with a frantic look on her face she considered going to see what was wrong but then dismissed the thought seeing that Ranma was no where around.

In another resturant not far away a beutiful young girl with purple hair was washing dishes while sobbing softly. "It no fair Shampoo want to go home with Great Grandmother and Mousse but since Ranam no marry Shampoo must stay here." She sighed as she dried the last of the dishes and headed up stairs to sit on her small cot and cry.

As she was crying she thought to herself "I hate this country it’s not fair I have no friends everyone here looks down on me like I’m some stupid bimbo because I can’t speak thier langauge I would love to see them try to speak in Chinese" Shampoo buried her head in her pillow and began to cry even harder as she thought of earlier today.

She had arrived at Ranma’s school witht he intention of convincing him to go to China with her so she could atleast visit her homeland again and perhaps get a cure to the curse which helped to keep them apart. She found him sitting under a tree facing away from the school as if he was ignoring it.

"Niho Ranma you come to china on date with shampoo" she had asked knowing if he came she could go back for a visit to see her friends. "NO I don't shampoo" Ranma said he had been having a bad day this he didn't need. "Okay Ranma Shampoo know you no love her" Ranma had just stared at her.

"Then why do you keep chasing me" He asked curiously she could tell from his tone of voice and the look he was giving her that he really didn’t belive her.

"If you no marry me Shampoo never go home again" She said trying hard not to sob as the fact that had been bothering her lately came bubling up to the surface again.

Ranma looked at her stunned he never knew that. "I wish there was something I could do" he said sincerely. She felf so happy when he said that she had hugged him out of reflex of course kitchend destroyer saw it and belted Ranma into mid air.

As she was laying there she reflected on what she had been doing up till now true Great Grandmother was determined to do all in her power to help her but that was the cause of it all Great Grandmother was to much acustumed to the old ways.

"Shampoo should make plans to have happy live here since Ranma no love her perhaps Shampoo can atleast help Ranma get cured." She thought to herself and began formulating a plan. "Is good plan Shampoo go to bank tomorrow for money." she said aloud and fell asleep feeling alittle better.

Some ways off in a small home Ranma set nervously relating an abriveated history of his life to a woman dressed elgantly as allways who was quietly drinking tea with a thoughtfull look on her face.


Ranma glanced around the small room he hadn’t picked up his tea cup yet since his hands were visibly shaking and he had them clamped to his side in fear. Nodoka was sitting across from her son she could not belive the tale he told and she could see he was nervouse. "Don't worry Ranma I won't force you to kill yourself it was an empty threat I thought would keep Genma from doing something stupid I was wrong" Ranma relaxed visably. "I am curiouse though why are your eyes so catlike when you pretended to be Ranko your eyes were never like that."

"Oh it's from the fact Neko is conciouse too" "Neko?" Ranma then explained about the Catfist Training Nodoka had a look of pure rage. Ranma was shocked to see such blind rage on his mother’s normally calm features he visibly shrunk back thinking of Akane.

"Genma threw you into a pit of starving cats I will kill him no that would be too good for him Ranma help me think up something really fitting for your father." Ranma's eyes lost focus and he said "No Neko we will not cut dad up into little peices and use him as fertalizer." before Nodoka could comment on Neko's sugestion there was a knock on the door.

"Ah Akane good of you to come visit" Nodoka said curious about how out of breath the young girl seemed.

"Auntie Soatome Ranma might show up and attack you he's not in his right mind right now." Akane said as she was panting for Breath.

"You think I would hurt my own mother" Ranma said from his seat on the coach. Anger at the acusation very clearly etched onto his face.

"Ranma I thought you were in Neko-ken" Akane said Relief as well as a bit of anger at him making her run all the way over hear apearing on her face.

"I am Partially but that still gives you no excuse to think I would hurt my mother Meow" Ranma fell on all fours and curled up to take a nap. Akane was staring she’d never seen Ranma just go into Nekko-ken without a cat present.

Nodoka knew what had happend she had heard the ice in her sons voice he was going to blow up at Akane so Neko stopped him. "Akane go home Ranma and I will be by in the morning do not tell my husband I'm comming go on" Akane wordlessly still in shock left heading for home.

The Next Morning.

"Ranma you seem different this morning" Nodoka asked her son as they walked up to the gate of the Tendo Dojo.

"Neko is still asleep taking control by force wore him out" Nodoka nodded she had spent some time with her son’s cat alter ego and it had been an interesting experience.

As they entered the gate Nodoka knocked Genma upside the head with the hilt of her katana he had been outside waiting for Ranma to spar. "Nodoka what a surprise to see you here." Genma babbled fear evident in his expression and voice.

"You threw our son into a pit of cats I should kill you but then that is too good for you." Genma shrank back in fear. The Tendo's who had come out at the commotion were watching with mixed looks some of amusement some of pity and some like justice was being done.

Ukyou choose that moment to enter the scene and headed straight for Ranma a cheerful expression on her face.

"Oh Ranchan lets go spend the day together" Ukyou glombed onto him. All eyes in the area turned toward the two and as usual things exploded.

"Ranma so going of with her huh pervert" Akane said as she produced her mallet and came at him while her father and Genma were making Acusations of him cheating on Akane.

Ukyou stepped in her way "Ranma is mine go practice your cooking you need all the help you can get." Ukyou smiled at the shocked look on Akane's face. The two girls began to insult each other and were heading toward an all out brawl when.

Ranma just couldn’t take it anymore he was sick of all this mess. "That's enough I don't want to marry either of you" Ranma yelled at the two of them. Akane and Ukyou turned

"But Ranchan" Ukyou begged with a look of shock and disbelife.

"NO I've had it I won't marry anyone unless I want to and right now I don't like either of you very much." Ukyou and Akane both looked hurt but Ranma continued "You Ukyou were my best friend but then you weren't satisfied kept trying to change friendship into something it's not or will ever be." Ukyou looked crushed "Now you Akane are voilent abusive and I'm not taking it any more." Akane seemed to be in shock.

"Ranma it is a matter of Honor that you and Akane wed" Genma said as he reached out to grab his son and recieved a broken arm in the process "What did honor ever get me your version of honor ruined my life so as of now I could care less about honor it just gets in the way." Nodoka stared at Ranma seeing for the first time the damage Genma had done to their son. "I'll talk to you later mom as for you pop if I ever see you again you'll get more than a broken arm I'll let Neko play with you abit." Ranma turned and jumped off using the roof tops.

Ranma doubled back and came up on the opposite side of the dojo jumping lightly to the roof he quickly made his way inside to his room where he began to pack quickly to avoid being caught. Once he had gathered all of his meager belongings he huried out on the roof and was about to leap away when his curiosity got the better of him and he edged near enough to hear.

"That insensitive Jerk" Akane said as fumming Ranma recognized the tone it was what she used when she broke bricks or him.

"He was right Akane" Ranma nearly fell off the roof Nabiki said that. "What you are abusive toward him" Nabiki continued "I've seen this comming for awhile incase you haven't noticed I haven't tried to scam Ranma once this mounth and how tight Kasumi has had to stretch the budget." Nabiki said talking as the shock and the guild nagging about the fact his was probably in large part her fault.

"You knew and didn't tell me why so you can use it to get more money you selfishe bitch Nabiki" Akane said turning her anger onto her sister but Nabiki felt her own anger at that statement.

Nabiki slapped Akane hard everyone else was silent "How dare you I've given up more for this family than you ever had." Nabiki continued tears streaming down her face "You had it easy Akane after mom died you just trained and did what ever you wanted Kasumi had to do all the housework and I had to make all the money since dady was to out of it to teach." Akane started to say something but was cut off by a still furiouse Nabiki "I admit I've used less than honest methods but it was all so we wouldn't get thrown out on the street I gave up anychance at having friends or anyone do anything but fear me so we wouldn't get thrown out on the street." Nabiki turned solemly and headed up to her room.

Akane started to look to Kasumi for support but she saw what looked like anger in her eldest sisters eyes and that hurt worse than anything Nabiki had said because it ment Nabiki was right.

Nodoka looked at the scene with mixed emoutions she could see both sides she headed toward the gate. "Dear wait for me" Genma said trailign carefully after her.

"You are no longer welcome in my home Genma I suggest you find somewhere esle to live honorless coward." With that Nodoka headed out into the street.

Ranma walked down the nearly deserted street it had rained yester day so there were all kinds of puddles to aviod. "I wish Neko would wake up I could use his help in sorting this mess out." Suddenly Ranma was sent flying he barely missed a puddle of water. "What?"

"Ranma my boy that was sloppy you are no longer the heir to Anything Goes Martial Arts" Happosai said pertched a ways away on a small over turned trash bin.

"What do you want old letch" Ranma said darkly he was in no mood to deal with that old pervert and his training at the moment.

"I have found a better heir Akane" Happosaid said his tone becomming less the friendly old master and darker almost threatning.

"Why her?" Ranma asked knowing Akane’s martial arts skills sucked her strength was her only real asset.

"Her Violent nature paired with the pain of your death will give her what she needs to reach true power."

"I'm not dead yet"

"No I'll take care of that right now." Happosia attacked Ranma was shoved back the old man wasn't holding back Ranma decided he had no choice he stepped in a puddle changing Ranma now a girl opened her shirt expecting Happosai to freeze but instead he hit Ranma hard in the face "Fool I may enjoy a good grope but I will not let you survive this fight the schools future depends on it."

"Damn" Ranma said as he hit the ground again. 'That old letch is really serious.' Ranma winced he was hurt alot worse than he would have been had he stayed in male form but because he was a girl. 'But normally the old pervert freezes when I change.'

"Don't look so surprised boy I'm allot stronger than you think I can resist temptation long enough to kill you." Happosai laffed a cruel laugh with none of his usual humor.

"If I don't think of something I'm gonna die." Ranma thought as he was sent with some force out into the street. Barely Missing passing people.

"Now boy it's time for you to die." Happosai held up his hand to deliver a death blow when. Ranma's hand shot out faster than ever before and sent the old pervert flying into a wall. "What how the hell" Happosai screamed as he noticed five bloody streaks across his chest.

"Unfortainately for you old man Nekko just woke up." Ranma attacked again and smiled as the old mans Pipe was cut to ribbons.

'How did Ranma control the nekkoken it's not possible.' Happosai thought as he heard something that chilled him to the bone.

"Tenshin Amaguriken revised" Ranma yelled instead of punches he used swipes since he was in Nekko ken supporting both moves left him winded but resulted in one badly beated Happosai.

"Look that girl killed that old man." Several nearbye people were yelling for someone to call the police and an ambulance.

"Great, just what I need." Ranma jumped away.

"Well Nekko I'm a guy again but still the cops are looking for my girlhalf and sooner or later I'll change or someone will spill the beans." Ranma said to himself as he walked down the street. "I know but what can I do run of to find the cure but I have to go by water I don't have the money to fly."

"Shampoo help you Ranma but not know why you talking to yourself." Shampoo said from over his head. She leapt off her bycicle to land deftly on her feet beside him.

"Shampoo when did you get hear?" Ranma said stunned to see her without hearing her aproach.

"5 minutes ago is Ranma feeling sick?"

"Great I let Shampoo sneak up on me." he thought "Hey how come you didn't grab me?"

"Shampoo has been thinking Shampoo going to make decent life here so need cure." she said as she threw him several pakects and an envolope. "Is ticket to China on boat and instant spring of drowned man." Shampoo said with a smile. "Is Peace offering if Ranma no love Shampoo atleast we be friends okay?"

"Shampoo I can't accept this." Ranma said "I’ll be your friend but I can’t take somethign that obviously cost you alot.

"Yes you can just one thing bring Shampoo cure back with you okay." she said

"I will." Ranma promised before doing something Shampoo never thought he’d do he hugged her. She was so shocked that she was just standing there why Ranma ran off yelling back "I"ll see you when I get back."

Nodoka hurried to answer the phone. "Yes, Ranma where are you are you all right?"

"Yeah mom I’m going to China to get a cure for me and the others under a curse I’ll see you when I get back?"

To be continued......

That is basically everything that happened in the first incomplete version of the story this new version will feature chapters of about this lenght each. The next Chapter will deal with Ranma’s return after 2 months in China and exactly what has changed in the mean time.