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Curriculum Information:
On the Chumash Indians
Of Southern California

[Commentary by Dr. John Anderson]


Welcome. I maintain a large number of web sites on the Chumash Indians of southern California. Teachers and student contact me frequently, to ask for information about the Chumash and about on-line curriculum information.

The purpose of this web site is to offer a selection of curriculum sites, to help teachers and parents looking for new classroom materials on the internet.

Inclusion in this list is not necessarily meant as an endorsement but rather to provide ideas for further exploration of the web. And don't forget to contact the many Chumash bands and associations listed at Chumash for first-hand information from the Chumash themselves [who you will find, have their own network of information on good teachers and curriculum materials in their local communities as well as on broader tribal issues].

Social Issues In the Classroom "A number of parents have contacted me in recent years, expressing concern with some elementary and secondary course offerings which avoid frank discussions of racism and religious intolerance in California's past. Programs under criticism focus exclusively on 'safe' topics such as the clothing, food, housing, boats, and fishing technologies of the Chumash while carefully skirting the more disturbing ethical issues involved in the treatment of California natives who were reduced to only a fraction of their precontact populations during the California Holocaust.

See Teach for further discussion of pedagogical and social issues involved in Chumash course development. See Holocaust for discussion of the genocidal population losses of native peoples of California during the Spanish, Mexican, and early American colonial eras. [John Anderson, November 12, 1999].


RAIN An excellent source of information on elementary course offerings on the Chumash is the RAIN Program, which sponsors the non-profit Camp Internet. For information, see RAIN. Or email: The main office is located in Buelton, California, which is in Santa Barbara County. Marcy Montogmery is the Director of educational development for this program.

Chumash Day At School Describes events at a Chumash Day for a public school in the Chumash region; third grade. See Program

Chumash Indians A large web site with many links to pages on general topics of interest to 3rd grade students. See Pages.

Chumash Mission History Another large web site, listing many sources of internet info on the California missions, including the five Chumash facilities. See Missions.

Chumash Trading System This social science lesson plan was developed by Derry Koerbling (student teacher at Pomelo Elementary]; 3rd to 5th grades. See Social Science

Chumash Music Includes an online music sample of an authentic Chumash song, performed by J. Rosen; fourth grade. See Music.

The Santa Barbara Museum This institution offers "The Chumash People: Materials for Teachers and Student Work Book. Write the museum's Education Department at 2559 Puesta Del Sol Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93105.

Student Web Pages " A large number of student written web pages have been entered on the internet over the last few years. Although a number of people have contacted me to complain that this practice tends to 'clog up' the search engines with elementary level listings [thus frustrating web users looking for post-secondary level materials], it remains an excellent idea for teaching social studies and computer skills, with email potential for exchanges of ideas between students" [John Anderson, November 14, 1999].


Biology The Santa Monica Mountain National Recreation Area has developed a biological science guide, featuring the Chumash Indians of this area. This 150 page teaching manual was funded by the Department of the Interior, National Parks Service. It includes information on field trips to regional museums, 1992. See Bio


The best way to locate college courses dealing with the Chumash is to explore the fields of archaeology, anthropology, Native American Studies, and California history.

You should go to individual campus web sites, such as the Univesity of California at Santa Barbara and Los Angeles, California State Universities such as San Luis Obispo and Northridge, private colleges, and even community colleges such as Ventura, Oxnard, etc. Check the same fields of archaeology, anthropology, and California history but also consider the arts and special programs.

Curriculum Centers: General California Native

Humboldt The Indian Teacher and Educational Personnal Program at Humboldt state has many materials, that will be of use in teaching broader issues impacting native Californians. See ITEPP for further information. You should also check into "Original Voices" at Voices.

Odd Items of Interest

Chumash Challenge Course The Associated Students of Cal Poly State University offer a program called Chumash Challenge. It is an experiential education program, designed to develop individual and team initiative and problem solving skills [not Chumash in content, thus an interesting application of the Chumash name]. See Challenge for related information.

This web page presents the views of the author, and does not necessarily represent the views of the Chumash Indians, either individually, or in a group.

If in doubt about the content of any course of text, I suggest you contact one or more Chumash association in your county,

to discuss specific courses and programs
