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The Moon, Mars, and Chumash Traditionalism

A Book About the California Spaceport Controversy
by Dr. John Anderson, second edition 2001

Book Reviews by Chumash Commentators

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Mike Khus

"Dr. Anderson's research and analysis regarding the commercial spaceport development provides the American people and the Native community, an invaluable public service. His writings serve as an alert and warning for all who wish to preserve irreplacable environmental and cultural resources against yet another ill-conceived and injudicious "gold rush" in the guise of technological "progress." Dr. Anderson helps all of us to understand the true costs of this project, which will further the economic and political interests of the few and powerful at public expense."

[Dated 1998,Mike Khus, past Chumash Coastal Band historian, M.A. in history from Stanford].

For related web pages, see: Humqaq Nihilism Coastal Chumash Council

James Leon

"I support John Anderson's efforts to bring about better public understanding of the Chumash tribal opposition to the California spaceport. I, and many other Chumash people remain seriously concerned with this spaceport's future impact on Point Conception."

[Dated 1998, James Leon, Vice-Chair, Bakersfield Chumash council].

For related information, see: The Need For Chumash Unity Summer Solstice

These reviews appear on page 3 of the text. Two other reviews, by Mary Pearce and Fred Collins appear at More Reviews.

The Spaceport Controversy
Point Conception