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A Straw Bale House: Sandpoint, Idaho

We have made much progress as of late May, 2000. By the end of this month, all the roof sheeting was on, and we were beginning to pour the cement posts for the east deck and entryway.

So far, we have not had to hire professional help. Our long standing friends the Harbucks came over and helped us put up the trusses which were scary to handle without experience. Later, Jill's cousins came to help us put on the roof sheeting.

All of us are over 50 years old, so we had to move judiciously to avoid aches and pains, much less fall off the roof or between the trusses. But all went well, and we are back on the ground.

Next we have to finish the roofs over the front and east porches, then tar paper and put metal on the roof. Then the fun begins, as we finally get to dig into the straw bale stack and start filling in the walls. My stucco expert came down from Canada, and dropped by on the way to another straw bale building project.

We tentatively set the first week in September as our stuccoing 'party' when many friends, relatives, and neighbors will come together for three days of collective work and good times. This date is not definite, but we like to think it can really take place before the first snows. [John, June 4, 2000].

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