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Fort Vigilwave

Two rat guards in full uniform stand to attention by the massive stone gates of the fortress of Sampetra. They eye you suspiciously and cross their spears in front of you, barring the way. "Halt! Who goes there!" You uncertainly answer that Sagitar personally gave you permission to enter. The spears uncross and you cautiously enter. The gates slam behind you as you stare about the wide courtyard and a young gray rat scurries up to you. "This way please follow me. Milady Sagitar is waiting in the Great Hall." Eagerly you follow the youngster past a squad of ferrets, weasels, and stoats at arms practice. As soon as you enter the Great Hall, the first thing you notice is the multitude of skillfully woven tapestries depicting great battle scenes and stone tablets intricately carved with the works of liturature of many talented creatures. Sagitar Sawfang stands alone in the center of the room on a rich scarlet rug. "Welcome to my fortress. Now that all my enemies are dead, I am the sole ruler here, but I think you will find me a more just soverin than those who stood here in the past. Feel free to look around and add your own mark to these ancient walls."
Corsair Bragging Song
Oh, I'm the babe of a blood ripper
Born in the teeth of a gale
I'm the one who weilds the sword
And makes the foe-beast wail
I'm sharp as a reef rock
Carry death in me paw
Go where I want
Slay who I will
That's the corsair's law
Blood's my favorite color
I'm quicker'n lightnin' aye
Stand out of me way, stand out I say
Step aside now or die!
'Cause I'm the spawn o' nightstorm
And death sails in me wake
I sheath my sword in innards
And what I want I take!
Come on, come all, I'm waitin'
I'll flay your carcass bare
So everywhere I go they'll say
Ahoy you bold corsair!
Verses taken from an old corsair ballad.
E-mail me your own poems, stories or completed missions!

Completed Missions
The Jetty
The Taverns
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