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The Taverns

A tallow candle gutters fitfully in a dimly light room. You are assailed by the strong smells of roast fish and seabird as well as open casks of seaweed grog. Corsair crews crowd around a long oak table that's seen hard use. The captains have colorful maps spread out and diligently plot their next voyages while the other creatures bicker and roister over mugs of grog. A drunken rat stands up shakily and assails you in a friendly but over-loud voice. "Here you are matey, come on an' join the fun, eh?" You smile and find yourself a place at the table.

Lone Patrol
Double Agent
Suspicious Activities on Wolverine Island
Squirrel Raiders
Attack on Black Fortress Island
Boatswains' Hanging
Sea Pipes

Lord Hakim Farrow and Lady Desdemona seek to destroy Sampetra and every corsair here. They want our island because of our strategic location in the waters between Mossflower and Southsward, which is a most convenient raiding ground. Our warm climate also adds to the temptation to take the island. Farrow's northern island is small, rocky, rainy, cold, and far out of the way of the regular traffic of trading vessels. The foxes are strong, and own a powerful fox naval force, but they quarrel amongst themselves because their ideas conflict. Farrow is a straitforward and warlike creature while Demona is much more stealthy and under-handed. Go Here to see the enemy descriptions.

Winner receives 1 point
Ahem, no looking in the books!
1. In the book,Mossflower, who is the creature who is telling the story in the introduction?
2. Also in the introduction, the dibbun listening to the story is the decendant of which Mossflower heroe?
3. What color is the pommel stone on Martin's sword?
4. What healing technique did Verdauga firmly forbid Fortunata to use?
5. What were the names of the two reptiles who stopped Martin and Co. at the river crossing and got beat up by Logalog?
6. What are the names of all of Goody's children?
7. Why did the Loamhedge mice leave their home?
How was the quiz? Too easy? Too hard? Too stupid? Email me your answers, comments or suggestions. All clear? Right, me buckoes! Now go steal yourselves some richly deserved plunder!
