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The Jetty

Salty ocean breezes ruffle your fur pleasantly as you walk confidently to the end of the jetty. Above, timbers and rigging creak in time to the swell of the waves and you look up to sigh with wonder at the utter hugeness of sleek corsair ships. Mast flags and banners crackle sharply in the brisk wind. In anticipation of plunder and adventure on the high seas, you board your ship with fresh resolve to be the sea beast that yesterday you only saw as fantasy.

Sprayraider (fastest, slim hull, shallow keel): Silver (midshipman(beast), Kerag (sailor), Barrranca , Kybo, Windpaw Rulerraw

Leviathan (3 rudders, most manuverable) : Pippin (3rd mate), Labrynth, Harlequin, Quickeyes

Maelstrom (fast, large enough to ram) : Conva (helmsbeast), Keldra , Smew , Darkblade, Deathblade

Behemoth II (large, rams well, slow) : Backslash (captain), Baikal , Radjah , Morbana

Bloodstern (modest speed & size, mostly weapons for crew) : Bloodfang , Wolvy, Fleetpaw, Klug, Ripclaw

The Taverns
The Fortress
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