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November 11, 2002
Quick Update

November 11, 2002   Washington DC

I've now been back in the United States longer than the length of my time in Nepal. Hopefully I will update this page with more information about what I've been doing since last February but, for now, here is a brief update of what I am doing now.

I am a first-year student at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in downtown Washington, DC. I am studying for a masters degree in International Development with a focus on economic development. In the short term, I would like to get some experience with the World Bank or IMF (they are more aware of the need for institutional and procedural change than most protestors realize), perhaps in Latin America (I'm also studying Spanish). I still don't know exactly what I will do after my graduation.

I still speak Nepali, read about Nepal (with concern recently), or eat Nepali food almost every day. I'm not sure when I will be able to get back to Nepal, but I hope to go as soon as I have the chance.

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