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Welcome to Love Letters

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This Site is a good spot to let us know the meaning of Love, Love is not just like "first sight", getting married, have children, etc. But its more complex than we thought. Love is "???....???" (Everybody has the different answers!!!). So let me know and everybody else what is the meaning of love for you.

Having trouble with your words of adoration? Well, now you'll never run out of expressions of love. You'll find letters focusing on new love, secret admirer, timeless love, lost love, angry in love, friends as lovers.... You can never have too much love! You can even use these letters as a start to your own inspiration. Why whisper sweet nothings when you can write some things?


And if you have any good letters, please send it to me and I'll put them in this site with your name on it (if you like to). Thanks, have a lot love!

Email Me:

AIDS, Disease, and Love
Angry in Love
Expressions of Love
Family Love
Friends as Lovers
Lost Love
Love to a Parent
Love to a Sibling
Love to My/Our Child
Pursuing New Love
Secret Admirer
Separated in Love
Timeless Love




This page was last updated on 01 Jun 2000.

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