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Quakers Download Page

Download THE Latest Gamespy version (2.00) from here!
For Downloading THE Latest gamespy version Click Here!!

Download Gamespy 1.52(English)

GameSpy 3D 1.52 (from
GameSpy 3D 1.52 (from
GameSpy 3D 1.52 (from 3DVault)
GameSpy 3D 1.52 (from "The Peel")
GameSpy 3D 1.52 (From Stals)
GameSpy 3D 1.52 (from eXodite)
GameSpy 3D 1.52 (from WarZone)
GameSpy 3D 1.52 (from

Download Latest Skin

Skinz pack 04

Download My latest quake1 and Quake2 maps(both are in their own catergory and are zipped!)
For Downloading Quake1 Maps Click Here!!
For Downloading Quake2 Maps Click Here!!

Download Airfist
For Downloading And Info About AIRFIST click here!!

Skinz pack 04

Download QuakeWorld

What's QuakeWorld? It's just like Quake, except it uses some crafty Internet tricks to help most players get smoother gameplay. GameSpy is programmed to take advantage of QuakeWorld, and several mods (like TeamFortress) are played almost exclusively on QuakeWorld servers, so it's worth the download.

Grab the latest version of QuakeWorld(ver 2.2) from!


Download Quake Mods and Patches

Tired of playing straight deathmatch? Try some of the latest Quake modifications! From the amazing teamplay variants like Capture the Flag or TeamFortress to the awe-inspiring deathmatch conversions such as PainKeep, Quake is one game that never seems to get old. GameSpy is built to handle any Quake,Quake2, Hexen or Hexen II modification available, at an affordable price.....NOTHING!

Download the latest Quake mods and patches from .(sorry but this site doesn't allow links to it)
You can also learn about many great new gameplay developments from PlanetQuake.


Download Custom GameSpy Tabs

Once you've downloaded the latest and greatest Quake modifications, you can customize GameSpy to quickly find the servers that are playing them. When you download and install a custom tab, it will appear near the top of your GameSpy window. Simply click on it and it will show you a list of servers that are playing the modification you want, passed through your standard GameSpy filters. It's that easy to get into the game!

Browse for the Custom GameSpy Tab Library. (sorry but the site does not allow links to it)
