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My Favorite Christian Word

You know, I thought about it, and I have come up with a Christian word that I love best!!..... It's "ETERNITY"..... Maybe you ask, "Why that word?"....... words such as; Grace, Faith, Salvation, or repentance, are good words too. But to me, they also lead to the same place, (In the end)

You "Must" have "Faith", & by "Grace", & through "Repentance", you become a Christian, then, when Christ comes again, you will have "ETERNITY"!!!..... How "BIG" a word that is!!!... Think of it!! For without the Promise of Christ coming again, all would be for nothing! But, Praises be to our Lord, that He will, and SOON!! To be with Him forever & ever!

Forever & ever...... On & on...... We will be with our Heavenly Father & Christ in the New world coming!!..... How GRAND!!... No other word tells how "long" that will be. No word as "Glorious!" Only to know "All" that this word means! The "Foreverness" (is that a word?) of it all! ....Our lives on this "Old" world is so short, nothing at all, compared to: "ETERNITY"!!!...... AWESOME!!!!! Praise GOD, for sending us His son, to die on the cross, to cover our sins, so we can have "Eternal" life with Him! I pray that more will turn to him, & become Christians. I'd want others to feel the Joy & peace within, Knowing Him as their Savior. Knowing that they too, will have ETERNAL life, with our Lord!!

Praise GOD!!! Hallelujah, Oh my Lord! Thank You, Dear Heavenly Father, for all that "WAS", "IS" & "WILL", "Soon" come. Blessed are those who Have turned to Jesus & recieved salvation, for they too, will have, "ETERNAL" Life! Forever we'll be, Sisters & Brothers In Christ, in this new world soon to come. I can't wait to meet ALL of you at that time! Won't it be GRAND!! Praising our Lord forever & ever!! Seeing HIM & our Heavenly FATHER! Touching HIM, talking to HIM! WOW! The beauty of our "NEW" home!!! We'll only have; PEACE, JOY, NO MORE PAIN & SUFFERING!!!

Praise the Lord! AMEN!!!

Matt. 22:37 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, And with all your soul
And with all your mind!" AMEN!

