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John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have "Everlasting" life".

My Testimony

When I was a child, I used to go to church with my Great-grandma. The first Bible I had recieved was won, by going to church 12 Sundays without a miss, (If you did, you had to started over)Grandma went to a Baptist church. I used to sing in the church choir. Also at school. Later, before I was married, I stopped going to church. No really good reason!

Then yrs. later,(about 32 yrs. later) My oldest Son Kevin, wrote me a long letter saying, how he wished for his parents to be come Christians. As he don't want be 'alone' in the "New world" that's coming. We talked "Alot" on the phone, for months, about Christ & how He's coming again. He told me alot of things I didn't know, that's in the Bible. And about what being a Christian really means. I thought, as many do, that you went to "Heaven" if you was "GOOD"! And to "Hell" if not! I used to be afraid of dying too! I didn't know about Christ coming again!!! Or about the new world for us. (I thought we'd be these Angels floating around in the air) My son lived on Colo. at the time. (I live in Id.) He has moved to Idaho now to be closer to his girls & us. Then on April 27th. 1996, While talking to him again, I made my pledge to Christ & became a Christian. Praises be to the God for sending His son to die on the cross to take away my sins!!

On May 11th 1997, I was Baptized. It was on Mothers day & my Birthday too! What a glorious day it was!! Kevin said a prayer for me, & we video taped it all.

Also, 2 wks. after I became a Christian, while watching a Billy Graham Crusade on TV, I called in, to the phone number they had on the screen, even though I had become a Christian 2 wks. before, I felt the need to talk to someone, & ask for prayer to help me. It made it seem more real somehow. Maybe because I was talking to a stranger about my new found love of Christ!!

Then, as I sat with note pad taking notes On what Billy Graham was saying, I also, was just scribbling my name all over the paper. When all of at once, the first 2 lines of a poem came to me, & I wrote them down, They are: "What a wonderful day it will be, When Jesus comes back for me." The beginning of the first poem I have ever written, & the first in my booklet of poems. As seen on my main homepage.

Over the months, more poems came to me. Sometimes a few lines at a time & sometimes whole poems would come to me. One day I started getting words to what I believe was another poem, but as soon as I started writing the words down, I knew it was a song. Well, I asked the Lord, WHY?? I can't sing any more! Why a song??? And as I was writing, I also rec'd a tune for it. I believe God was answering a prayer of mine to sing again as I did when I was young. I had missed singing in church & school, through the yrs. I had really lost the ability to stay in tune. I asked my son if he would help me, with the music, on his guitar, so we could do it at church. I practiced alot, getting my voice half way decent. I felt weird & scared, as I wanted to do justice to the song. It was from God! Well, It went over great.(I should have known, I had Gods help!!! How could it not be great!!!) I know the Lord was with me & my son! The song is called "I'm Coming Home". I sang it before before Pastor's sermon, for alter calls. Well, 3 made it to the alter that night!! There were so many hearts touched by the words, to this simple, but moving song. Many told me they had tears, one said, "She was a lost sheep." I'm now waiting for more poems or songs to come to me. You can see the words to this song & others,on my song & poem page.

All of these poems & songs, which, I know God gave to me, are to show & help other people & to make them feel good! And for Some, to want to become Christians too!

As I want to give back to God, what I feel is His, (for giving to me the words to these poems)Money made from my book goes to the church.

Since I have become a Christian God has blessed me in many small ways. Answering many of my daily Prayers. No matter how "Small" they may be. He has soften my heart & taken away the bad temper I used to have, (not that I don't get upset sometimes, I'm still human & not perfect, only Christ was perfect!) but not like I used to! No more cussing!!! Praise the Lord! I know now, I can pray to the Heavenly Father to help me through my problems. Reading the Bible & going to Church gives me the closeness I need, To feel the Lord presence.(Even though I know He's near me no matter where I am!) I feel the spirit more at Church. I love the Church I go to. "The Church of The Nazerenes." The people are so friendly there. It's great how our Pastor Mike, teachs the Bible, and delievers his sermons. The songs & prayers are wonderful. If I miss church I seem to feel a bit lost, spiritully, till I go again. I feel, we need to go Church, see other Christians, as being around other Christians help us keep in the spirit. I also feel the need to help others, with prayers, if needed. Singing again at church has been a wonderful thing! The words to the songs I've done (God inspired) I feel has both uplifted others & help some, to see how being a Christian is so important to being with the Lord in the new world coming!! Some of the poems & songs I've written are warning people to turn to Christ before it's too late!! By not turning your life over to Christ, when the time of judgement comes, you'll be thrown into the Lake of Fire with Satan!! How sad the thought of that to happen. I Pray that everyone will make the choice to follow the Lord. Although you don't make the choice, to just to "escape hell", but to follow the Lord, By loving Him, worshiping, & praising Him. This wonderful man that God sent to us, So that we could have salvation through Him. He shed His blood for us on the cross! I can only say, "Thank You, thank You Dear Lord, forever & ever to be with Him!! Amen!"

God Bless all of you & be with you Always!
Till we meet in the coming New world!

Praise the Lord! & Amen.

