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* Pixie Boys Playground *

Last Update: November 2, 1997

"I would die for peanut butter"


Bubble Bobble Theme

Final Fantasy VII Quote Submission
Submit your favorite quote from FF7 using the following form. All of the best quotes will be put on my upcoming Final Fantasy VII quotes page! Send as many as you want!

Aren't I cute? { Introduction }
Greetings! I am Pixie Boy (that's my picture to the left) Welcome to my humble home on the web! Before you ask, yes, I do smoke crack, and no, you can't have any. I originally made this page to put the little insignificant games I make on the web, but I was forced to learn HTML in school and went psycho. Now we have what you see before your eyes, so enjoy, and remeber: please do not operate heavy machinery 6-8 hours after visiting Pixie Boy's Playground.

{ Pixie Mailing List }
Thanks to Cool List I now have a much better Mailing List!! The Pixie List is just a general discussion ML with no real subject (67.3% of the members are on the brink of insanity) but it's very wierd and a lot of fun. I'll also send pictures of pixies and whatever else I feel like sending through it. To sign up just type your e-mail address below and push the [Purple Peaches] button!

{ Pixie Pictures }
Here is my small collection of anime-style pixie pictures. Some of them are a little kinky, but they're pixies and that's all that matters. If you have any that I don't please send them to me. Pixie Boy

rainbow.jpg berry.jpg purple.jpg
{ About Pixie Boy }
Rachoo! Well I assume if you're reading this then you are probably curious who the sick bastard behind all this is. That would be me! My intrests in life are Whitney, rave/techno music, video games, computers, anime, and Whitney. My favorite bands are Atari Teenage Riot and Nine Inch Nails, besides them, I mostly listen to underground techno music. I program my own computer games, which is both a lot of fun and a pain in the ass. I also like going to rave-type clubs, they give us nocturnal types something to do besides surf the net. Well I think that's enough about me, if I told you anymore I'd probably have to kill you.

{ Places To Go }

[ Pixie Star Software ] - Games made by me, Pixie Boy!!
[ Happy Fun Room ] - Wholesome fun for all!!
[ Final Fantasy VII Quotes ] - Coming Soon
[ Emulators ] - Remember 8-bit Nintendo?
[ Links ] - Some cool places to go

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Yum Yum!

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