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Draw Comics NOW!!

It's very simple really. You wanna draw comics and make money, and I want to help you. That can DEFINITLY be arranged. My name is Daniel Prusha. I am a current artist who just broke through to Marvel Comics. I am an editor, and publisher, and also somewhat of a penciler in my spare time. Here's a tip. Act now. You may never have a chance to be as lucky as I am. I am looking for some talent, and if you think you've got what it takes, then let me give you your opportunity now. The truth is, this web page was made because we need artists for new debut's and different storylines. Here is a summary of what is asked.

You must create a portfolio out of any of the choices listed below. Then, send me your work, and I will personally look it over. E-mail me first with your choice so I can prepare for your portfolio.

1. X-Man: Any new pictures or costumes for Nathan Grey. We are looking for him as a hero of the nineties, and still somewhat futuristic.

2. X-Men: NEW CHARACTERS!! That's right. We are looking for someone new for the X-Men, so for all you guys and gals who have been thinking of new characters, here's your chance to show us. Also, any current characters you think you can draw, go for it.

3. Heroes Reborn: Old heroes, just with a new look. Change around what you see in our current characters. Also, The Incredible Hulk has two personalities. See if you can change around their looks.

4. AOA:Legacy: Since I don't want to give out any hints about this new upcoming series, let's just say the Age of Apocalypse is not completely dead. Give me some new characters, and a new villain...(hint, hint!!)

For now, this looks like the best I can do, until the writers can tell me something different. Until then, I'll be posting new ideas to the list about once a week. See ya' later.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Email Me!

By federal law, I am not allowed to sell, copy, or use to make any profit of any advee's work under the jurisdiction of the Comic Code Authority. If I do, I will be hung and shot. All rights are reserved to Marvel Comics.
