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Life is a GhumBy Trail!

By Viv (a first time GBH Leader) June 1999

A GhumBy trail is a track/road that is preferably dirt and more to the point, not the way a normal person would usually take to get where they are going. It has to be viable and safe and if you're lucky and its been raining it will definitely have mud and there will always be a hill or a mountain involved.

To quote my friend GhumBy, "My ways are not the natural mans ways!" With this in mind a one word definition of a GhumBy trail is Adventure! 1999 sees me GhumBy trailing to the max. In the past 5 months I have had more adventures than I have had in the last few years all together.

Picture this:

Life is an adventure! Most would say that, "life is a roller coaster with its ups and downs", but since my efforts over the Easter holidays, I would have to agree with my friend GhumBy. Life is truly an adventure! Thinking in this respect, my life has been a huge adventure, especially the last 4 years.

My adventures over the last 4 years have included being in a totally wrong relationship, 2 hospital stays, dropping out of University, being healed of my C.F.S., and spending a year at Bible College - 1058 km away from home. All these adventures I thank God for - even the horrible.

In life there are few things we need, but the most important things that kept me going and helped me through all this and more are God, love/encouragement of friends and adventure. So stick to your yellow brick road take the risks and enjoy the adventure!

I'd like to leave you with a few thoughts…..

Life is a highway….. don't get hit by a bus!!!

Life is a stage….. don't get stuck in the audience!!!

Always follow the Yellow Brick Road and don't risk missing your GhumBy trails!!!

Life is a GhumBy Trail!