TO: Daniel Lopez

    FROM: Jennifer Mallory, Prize Coordinator

    SUBJECT: Daniel-- You Could Be A Millionaire In August!

Dear Daniel,

The Board of Judges at Publishers Clearing House has directed that the winning number for our $1,000,000.00 prize be distributed sometime prior to August 17th.

As of today, no one knows what that winning number will be and with the deadline fast approaching, I felt it was necessary to do everything within my power to encourage you to submit this entry that could win you ONE MILLION DOLLARS on August 23rd.

Go ahead and click right now and we will immediately register your number. We will then direct you to, where you could win $1,000,000.00 ... new cars ... dream vacations ... and more! Joyce Z. just won $1,000,000.00 at You could win, too! Play FREE games like Slots, Lotto, Blackjack, Bingo, Solitaire and win cash and prizes. has given away over $7,500,000.00 and you could get in on the action! Click now and join -- absolutely FREE!

Hurry! To get in on all the fun and excitement, you must reply by the 12:00 PM ET, July 9th deadline. To claim your SuperPrize Number, click here. Act now and the Lopez family will be celebrating their one million dollar win in just weeks, should your SuperPrize Number match the winning number.

I urge you to claim this chance right now! Real people are winning everyday, like Wilbur Ervin Jr. of Baltimore, Maryland. He became our newest $10,000,000.00 SuperPrize winner on Super Bowl Sunday! Act now and you, Daniel Lopez , could be our next $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize winner!

Very Truly Yours,

Jennifer Mallory
Prize Coordinator

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Prize Giveaway No. Ending Date Winner Selected By Estimated Odds of Winning
$1,000,000.00 825 8/17/01 Winning Number 1:60,000,000

* Prize may be awarded earlier at our option.

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