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Unforgotten Inflatables

What becomes of all the
cute inflatables?
No seam lasts forever. Inflated toys are allways endangered to sudden burst, even when being used underinflated. And often they pass away slowly by leaking more and more with no patch can be attched properly. To face the truth, usually an inflatables lifetime is short, very short sometimes...

Feel free to add yours HERE and tell us what happened.

Owner:The Teddster
Doom: Been left unattended.
Hint: Don't try this at home!

Pieces: 2
Doom: Overinflation
Status: 1 piece left

Pieces: Bought 12 of them in 1987

Canīt throw them away now...

Mickey Mouse Pool-Rider
Pieces: Got 2
Status: 1 piece still left with little leakage

Dumbo Pool-Rider

Robby the seal

Stand-up rocking horse and elephant

Height: about 3 ft

Beloved pal, gone forever...