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jimmy's room

Well I guess this room is stuff about me. Hmmmm.. well I'm just a spring chicken, only 22 years this year. I'm just learning this html stuff so these pages will get better with time. I am Canadian but I'm teaching in Korea right now. I love snowboarding and skateboarding. I am lucky to have a great family and friends. I like to collect kindertoys although there are none in Korea. I don't have a picture yet of my collection, that'll have to wait till I return. I've also taken a liking to anime (japanese animation). Hmmm. what else? Oh, I have a wonderful girlfriend (sorry ladies). And like most people my age, I'm not sure what to do with my life. I do believe in freedom of speech and do not believe that anyone can tell you what you can and can't do unless of course it interfere's with another person's life. ( but this is a different story I have yet to tell ). Before I start getting all philosophical I'll end on this: Your lifetime is not even a flash in time so whatever you do, give it your all, and remember this.


kinders are yummy
coming soon, picture of my collection...
chubby and fatso
me and the girl