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It is only with the heart that one can see rightly,
what is essential is invisible to the eye.

~Antione De Saint - Exupery

That's all an angel is, an idea of god.

~Meister Eckhart~

Angels and ministers of grace defend us.

~William Shakespeare~

So many wings come here
Dipping honey
and speak here
in your home
Oh god.

~Aztec Poem~

I looked over Jordan and what did I see?
Comin' for to carry me home
A band of angels, comin' after me,
Comin' for to carry me home.

~African - American Spiritual~

Their garments are white,
but with and unearthly whiteness.
I cannot describe it,
because it cannot be compare to earthly whiteness,
it is much softer to the eye.
These bright Angels are enveloped in a light
so different from ours that by comparison
everything else seems dark.
When you see a band of fifty,
you are lost in amazement.
They seem clothed with golden plates,
constantly moving,
like so many suns.

~Pere Lamy~

I believe we are free,
within limits,
and yet there is an unseen hand,
a guiding angel,
that somehow,
like a submerged propeller,
drives us on.

~Rabindranath Tagore~

For he shall give His angels charge over thee
To keep thee in all thy ways,
They shall bear thee up in their hands,
thou dash thy foot against stone.

~Psalms 91:11, 12~

Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.

~Scottish saying~

The angels keep their ancient places
Turn but a stone and start a wing!
'Tis ye, 'tis ye, your estranged faces
That miss the many ~ splendoured thing.

~Francis Thompson~

Still an angel appear to each lover beside,
But still be a woman to you.

~Thomas Parnell~

The golden hours on angel wings
How o'er me and my dear;
For dear to me as light and life
Was my sweet Highland Mary.

~Robert Burns~

If I have freedom in my love,
And in my soul I am free,
Angels alone that soar above
Enjoy such liberty.

~Richard Lovelace~

At the round earth's imagin'd corners, blow
Your trumpets, angels, and arise, arise
From death, you numberless infinities
Of souls.

~John Donn~

Our acts our angels are,
or good or ill,
Our fatal shadows that walk by still.

~John Fletcher~

He shall cover thee with his feathers,
and under his wings shalt thou trust:
his truth shall by thy shield and buckler.

~Psalm 91:4~

Yet I am the necessary angel of earth,
Since, in my sight, you see the earth again...

~Wallace Stevens~

"Hey angel," Amarante called out in his dream.
"What's a rainbow doing over our town on a sunny day like today?"
..."Maybe it's because for once in your lives you people
are trying to do something right."
Abruptly the angel disappeared.

~John Nichols~

Twice or thrice had I loved thee,
Before I knew they face or name,
So in a voice, so in a shapeless flame,
Angels affect us oft, and worshipped be...

~John Donne~

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers,
for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

~Herbrews 13:2~

And yet, as angels in some brighter dreams
Call to the sould when man doth sleep,
So some strange thoughts transcent our wonted themes,
And into glory peep.

~Henry Vaughan~

Outside the open window
The morning air is all awash with angels.

~Richard Wilbur~

Angels descending,
bringing from above,
Echoes of mercy,
whispers of love.

~Fanny J. Crosby~

Unless you can love as the angels may
With the breadth of heaven betwixt you,
Unless you can dream that his faith is fast,
Through behoving and unbehoving;
Unless you can die when the dream is past- Oh, never call it loving!

~Robert Browning~

It is wonderful that every angel,
in whatever direction he turns his body and face,
sees the Lord in front of him.

~Emmanuel Swedenborg~

Bless the Lord,
Ye his angels,
That excel in strength,
that do his commandments,
hearkening not the voice of his word.

~Psalms, 103:20~

All God's angels come to us disguised.

~James Russel Lowell~

Angels, we have heard on high
Singing sweetly through the night,
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their brave delight.

~French Christmas carol~

The angels sing the praise of their Lord
and ask forgiveness for those on earth...

~The Koran XLII:5~

It is not because angels are
holier than men of devils that makes them angels,
but because they do not expect holiness from another,
But from God alone.

~William Blake~

Good night, sweet prince,
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!

~William Shakespeare~

Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.
The bed be blest that I lie on.
Four angels to my bed,
Four angels round my head,
One to watch, and one to pray,
And two to bear my soul away.

~Thomas Day~

Hush! my dear, lie still and slumber,
Holy angles guard thy bed!
Heavenly blessings without number,
Gently falling on thy head.

~Isaac Watts~

The angels laughed.
God looked down from his seventh heaven and smiled.
The angels spread their wings and,
together with Elijah, flew upwards into the sky.

~Isaac Bashevis Singer~

Everyone entrusted with a mission is an angel.
...All forces that reside in the body are angels.

~Moses Maimondes~
