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Hi there...=)

As you would have noticed this page is no where NEAR finished...but...this sure is a great animated GIF isn't it?=)

I am currently studying......at uni and as soon as... prevails... I shall start on this page right away...

hehehe... so I hope! So P L E A S E patient.=)

Do not be with me and here is a bouquet of 's...on second thoughts...

make it an entire ... bar full as

a sign of my sincere apologies. Buuut if you are rather bored...

then here is a little entertainment

so forget about the seconds

ticking by... or...hazard a trip through my to my other site!

OR! If you would like to clobber me with a then please take a !

Oh! Please ignore this counter...I'm too lazy to take it off for the moment.=)

If you have any please e-mailMe!

This page was brought to you by the -bat association. To V or not to V...that is the question!