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INSIGHTS AND INSPIRATIONS by Gary Clark, Artist, Tampa Bay, Florida

Gary Clark
Artist, Tampa Bay, Florida

These insights and inspirations have been selected from thousands written early in the morning on index cards over the last 10 years. They are based on a life-long quest for deeper understanding of the meaning and mystery of life. Through meditation and reflection, I have been seeking appropriate ways to put into words the felt-sense of Earth Presence, the realization of depth and breadth that I experience as a person and seek to re-present as an artist.

Which activites promote this? I often feel it when creating art. But this is not the only time. On the beach or in a forest--these places are often sacred spaces. Or, late at night, in stillness and silence, there has been a profound deepening of enchantment, a felt-sense of the mysterious.

I believe it is this deepening into the interwoven fabric of human life that many seek to experience for inner peace, contentment, fulfillment, conneXion, well-being, serenity, empowerment, enlightenment. My hope is that these insights and inspirations will enhance the quality of your life.


(1) Your own flow is all-ways of The Flow, never separate, never apart, all-ways of the whole, all-ready within. Your felt-sense experience of this occurs in varying degrees at different times. But, what exactly is The Flow? It is the enduring and sustaining streams of Life Energy, the vast River of Life that contains and retains the birth and growth of all living forms, and the endless birthing of those forms. It is the wondrous process of the still-present Origin of all that is.

(2) How to step deeply into your own flow and aware of deeper conneXions beyond your own awareness? This a good question. This is a good place to dwell. This is where to begin. The QUEST is within the QUESTioning.

Do you sense secret reasons for your thoughts, ones that only you can decipher? Are you able to focus, to stay where you want to be? Or, do allow yourself to be swept away by current events in endless rivers running to empty seas. Do you have the ability and determination to seek realization?

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(3) Right now is here. Here is where is right to be. Full awareness of being right here deepens to purer conneXion. Do you still think you have to be somewhere else to be right? Does the newness of now fade into then? The now is not unknowable. It is not to be known but experienced. Do not strive to know it but seek ways to deepen your feeling for it, with it, through it.

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(4) Knowledge does not free you; it simply frees you to know. My knowledge does not free you. Do not come here for that. Why do you come? Just to know would be a good answer. When The Way is clear, knowledge is not needed. Knowing. That is it. Not what you know. But, how you know. How. How you do the knowing.

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If you long for things, you belong to things.

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If you are not in the Now, you must be in the Then. But you are not really There, you are only Real HERE!

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Truth does not merely set you free; it frees you to know how to use Truth to live free.

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The limits of Truth are the limits of your inquiry about It.

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The words you say become the life you live. Which life do you choose? The way of non-sense through chit-chat about nothing that matters? Or, the way of sense through meaningful dialogue about everything that could be?

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You must re-weave the threads of your life into patterns of your own choosing or you will remain stranded without a sense of how you are all-ready interwoven!

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The value of trusting yourself to be resourceful is that you come to know the source of value in yourself.

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Many people do not understand you simply because the way they picture you is not in their frame of reference.

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I am so often misunderstood because so often I don't understand myself.

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The longer I live the clearer I am about the longevity of clarity, about clearing myself within The Way for a longer life within a day, about living clear and long.

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All-ways remember not to forget the really important things.

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Why is it wherever I am, the "Real Party" is going on somewhere else?

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How come Destiny seems so distant when I know darn well it's all-ready inside of me all-ways?

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So true, in our greatest weakness is the prelude to our greatest strength.

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Strength of understanding empowers us to strengthen our power of understanding.

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Words are vital organs of though in your dynamic embodiment of thinking we call language.

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Lately, Time has become clearer to me sooner than I thought.

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Knowledge offers you Freedom; but, you still have to Know HOW to Be Free.

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If all the "good stuff" were out in the open, there would be no thrill in searching the deeper caverns.

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Destiny is available to all who embrace Chance as a positive option.

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It's possible what we call "Randomness" is a result of our shortfall of Vision.

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The most beautiful thing in the world isn't a thing at all.

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To me, the wondrous fact that we can perceive and partake of Beauty is itself one of the most beautiful things in Life.

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How we are in life IS our Life!

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Our life is not what happens to us but how we Respond to what happens to us.

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Your ConneXions with others who share your deepest Core Energies are the greatest bonds of all.

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Your Essential Knowledge is the Essence of Knowing distilled for use in your everyday life.

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May you all-ways Dwell Well in the spell.

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Language that empowers has the feel of conjuring, of going beyond the mere use of words to impart information, of entrancing a realm of real possibility beyond probable realities.

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The "Ring of Truth" might mean we have a bell inside that needs to be rung more often.

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You are only betraying this life of yours if you keep straying from this life of yours.

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Why is it the very thing I seem to really need is just beyond my grasp, yet I can sense its Texture, its Form, its Substance, its Presence?

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Expanded MisPerception # 398: Not only does the grass over there seem greener, it seems to have no weeds at all--ever!

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Life is like a trampoline: the harder we jump, the deeper we go, the higher we get.

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Words are found in a dictionary; language is found in people.

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What I know for sure is that there are only a few things I know for sure.

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Freedom is all about knowing what to leave out.

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Today I am wondering if the purpose of life is to be confusing on purpose.

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How much is still alive inside? The distant voices of children playing bring a sudden flood of well-textured memories.

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You do not create the reality you see; you re-create it before you see it.

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The world we see is because we envision it.

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Many avoid voids for fear the Many will become One.

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There is no present like the time you ignore.

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The Curator of Cures must also know the Curses.

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Nature is a verb with lots of modifiers.

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In Life, as in Art, the greatest temptation is to copy success; but the greatest chance of success is not to give into temptation.

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There is much truth in the mere rearrangement of words.

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Every moment has a sort of mythic momentum to carry you into & thru the legend of your life.

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You are the origin of the influences you choose.

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Life is all about knowing which Questions to ask to open the doors you need to walk thru.

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The first step in any real journey is to throw away the map.

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With luck, Knowing & Doing should lead to Being.

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Hard to imagine a life without a Quest for Empowering Knowledge.

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Knowledge is power--true! But Self-Knowledge is Empowering! (...very true!)

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In playing we are displaying what has been displaced in our days.

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When you have a sense of mission, you seem to have unbounded, quantum-leaping energy!

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Key Concerns: What are you looking for? What would bring you fulfillment? What you found so far?

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Choose or lose? Lost or Chose? Chosen or _________?

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How strange! Evil is in Devil. Anger is in Danger!

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You are the Doktor of your Soul, the Keeper of the Treasure, the Healer of Broken Dreams.

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When you find your True Path, what seemed Impossible begins to feel Possible, what seemed Improbable becomes the Probable.

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It is precisely the Imprecision of the Mystery of Life that is so attractive, so alluring, so charged with a sense of Meaning and Enchantment. The Way is All-Ways There, is All There Is, is ALL ALL....

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All material on this site Copyright © 2007 by Gary Clark, P.O. Box 3031, Clearwater Beach, FLorida 33767. Please contact for further information and reprint permissions.
