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I'll Love You Forever,
Joanna Charlene Vercelli!

Feel better, Joanna. I'm so happy about your book bag.

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I am glad you are not tired of me, because I'm not tired of you! . . . I sure ain't tired of you. And I enjoy getting to know you more and more each day.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Joanna, ". . . None of these things . . . " represents the fact that I love your letters, and that you read mine, that I love that you love daisies and such, that I love our e-chats, our long and short conversations, our three-hour letters on God and answering the 50 items on marriage, that I love your pictures--and the idea that you've sent them, including that one under the clock at Scienc City, and . . . everything else in that song/poem--it's all true!
But none of these things matter in the end. Would I miss them? You bet!
Big time!
But if we ever lost one of them things, it wouldn't matter in the big picture.
If I lost an arm and couldn't hug you; if you lost my address and couldn't write to me; if you didn't fit into that big ol' red dress, it wouldn't matter.
One day we shall grow old and our smiles will be wrinkled, just as our faces.
One day, we will live together and maybe stop chatting online--or at least as much!
One day I might forget something important or you might get laryngitis and I won't hear you say you love me when I'm leaving.
"One day, you'll know, Dear, how much I love you."
But I will love you forever because you are my Sunshine, My Joanna, Il Mio Caro, Mi Tesoro, My Precious, My Little Princess, My Honeybun, My Sweetie Pie, My Beautiful Joanna, The One That I'll Adore, Forever.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

What matters most is this truth which I hope to repeat one day in person as I propose: I love all of those things about you, including your letters, and the fact that you keep mine, and your little stickers and wonderful perfume and the fact that you love books and . . . here I go again to the beginning!
All of these things are great . . . and I will only find a million things more "As Time Goes By" . . . but it is no individual thing, beautiful as your smile is--it would not be enough . . . beautful as your face is--it would not be enough . . . beautiful as your heart is--it would not be enough . . . beautiful as your love for God is--it would not be enough . . . beautiful as you are . . . all of you, and no one thing in particular . . . is enough for me to love you.
And if one day we lose some of those things, I will still like you just the way you are. I hope you would be able to do that for me when my stomache gets big and my feet get stinky! ; )
(And if you don't, that's okay! lol! . . . well, not really!)
None of these things about you make me run home to check e-mail now. None of these things alone keep me from being sad when I am sad--I still get sad and blue at things--it is all of you which keeps me happy! None of these things about you, Joanna Dear, make me love you . . . none of them alone, not even all of them together.
It's not really all of that! It's you! Just plain beautiful YOU! That's what I love.
In the end, I love you, Joanna! I LOVE WHO YOU ARE, not what you do, or how you smile or smell--I love your Safari perfume!--or how pretty your letters are or anything else.
I love you, Joanna, My Charlie713, My Joanna681, My Story Girl, My Kindred Spirit, My Sweet and kind Joanna Dear, the Beautiful Joanna of My Soul!
I would never trade you for another smile, another pretty face, another lovely letter writer, another movie lover, another chocolate eater, another Aunt GoGo, another Hallmark Girl, another anyone or anything! If I'd look hard enough, perhaps I'd find someone who likes some of them things you do or who smiles pretty like you--well, no actually that's pretty unlikely--or who reads the same books as you . . . but it wouldn't matter, 'cause it wouldn't be YOU!
"And I would never trade you in, for none of these things!"

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

It's okay to miss them things and be mad--okay, you have them all back--, but if you lose such things again, please don't cry too hard or I will have to cry too! Ain't nothing wrong with that, except, I would just miss you more. I'd miss being there. Ain't nothing wrong in missing you either, but you're so far away.
1-4-3! . . . BIG TIME!!


May the Lord, Mighty God, bless and keep you forever! Grant you peace, perfect peace, courage in every endeavor!

Lift up your eyes and see God's grace,and God's face forever.

May the Lord, Mighty God, bless and keep you forever!

He always knows how you feel.

Baby Alexis

Remember this little baby?

Heather's Angels

How cute!

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Joanna's Page
A Poem for Joanna