South Korea has a rich history of in-your-face student and street politics. This was one demonstration I saw on May 1 2003 -- plenty of colorful flags and banners in the Asian style, flying in the beautiful spring sunshine.

Great Graveyards
Wandering among the headstones at Tokyo's Yanaka Cemetery

South Korea in the Spring!
Photos of South Korea, its temples and neon signs and colourful anti-globalisation protests!

Middle East Photos -- Turkey, Israel, Egypt
Middle East Photos -- Turkey, Israel, Egypt

How I Became a Chatroom Troll
How I Became a Chatroom Troll

Flowers of the World (Mostly Japan)

Ueno -- Tokyo's northern centre
Ueno, famous for its homeless men and pandas and grey streetscapes.



[may day]
seoul korea 2003

copyright rob sullivan 1996-2003 and beyond!