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Monday before Christmas 2005 we had to say good-bye to Texas - my Heart Dog, my partner, my pal, my confident. While he will always remain in my heart, my home is empty without him.

In the song lyrics of Garth Brooks...."I could have missed the pain but I would have had to miss the dance"...and what a dance we had!

13 September 1991 - 19 December 2005

Best In Show & Best In Specialty Show
Am/Can Ch. Castell Killin' Time

Welcome to Texas' personal web page!
In the beginning, Texas was available to a pet home but NO ONE wanted him!

When he was just 9 months old, we took Texas to Canada where he finished his Championship in 3 shows with 3 Best Herding Puppy awards, a Best of Breed over Specials and an Adult Herding Group 2nd! He also came in 3rd in their "Young Hopefuls Tournament" which had some 100+ puppies entered. It was at that point I decided that Texas wasn't going ANYWHERE!! We really didn't have room for another male as his daddy, Shasta, was still relatively young but, little did we know what the next 3 years would bring! We were to lose his Daddy within those three years, moving Texas up to the #1 spot in our home.

Within the next six months Texas had finished his American Championship as well. A wild and enthusiastic showman, he would prove a hard one to tame! His first American points were won in the first show he ever attended. At just 7 months old he won a 3 point major under Breeder/Judge Ruth Cooper. I wasn't even there to see it as I was in another ring with a client dog!!

Even though he was a slow maturer, his wild and unmanagable behavior made it necessary to keep him in the ring!

Everyone had suggestions but what caused all the trouble was he didn't misbehave OUTSIDE the ring!! He was ringwise and it was necessary to be in the ring to correct him! Over the years SOME control was gained but Texas was the consummate show dog. He lived and took each breath to be in the show ring. When he crossed the ring entrance, he went to work "takin' care of business"! He knew all the ring patterns, became too familiar with the words "take him around" and seldom did he ever let down. I'll never forget the day he beat the #1 dog in the US! The judge told me "I almost didn't give it to him because of his out-of-control but this dog doesn't deserve to lose!"

The next six years can only be described as an adventure. ALWAYS Owner/Breeder handled, he was only out of the top 25 PWC one year and was in the top 10 for 2 of his years. In 1998 he officially finished the #4 PWC and was sitting in #3 when he retired at the Garden in February of 1999. It seems strange, now, not to be showing him on a regular basis but he is having a ball in the occasional Veterans class and is watching his children grow up trying to fill his pawprints!

Here it is time to thank everyone who made this journey so adventurous!

Without Texas' many supporters and friends this journey could have been long and lonely. But his friends, near and wide, gave me the strength to hold my head high when he would pull his "corgi antics" in the ring and embarrass me! One had to always keep a sense of humor when on the other end of Texas' lead! To his Co-Owner, Greg Louganis who has loved and supported him for so long, a very special thanks! Without Greg, our dream of Westminster would not have come true. While we never won in 4 trips, Texas did acquire two Awards of Merit from respected movement judges and acquired many more friends.

Texas has basically been retired since February 1999. From time to time he ventures out in the occasional Specialty Veteran class and has a ball. He still enjoys showing as much as he ever did. August 2002 our Grandson, Camden, was ready to go up to Canada with us and try out the waters of Junior Showmanship. In Canada they have what is called Pee Wees. This is the class for 3-6 year old children and is non-competitive. Camden insisted on showing his "buddy" so we had to enter Texas in some regular class and opted for Best of Breed! Pee Wee was not offered at every show on the circuit so Texas was only entered on the days it was. Here they both look like they have always been a team! Both strutting their stuff!

Juniors was held during the lunch break so each day Texas had to go right into breed judging. We're very proud to say, now at 11 years old, he STILL has what it takes and is STILL "takin' care of business". In spite of his, somewhat, graying face,he won three Best of Breed awards, two under Breeder/Judges Joyce Moulton (Texanda) and Glenda Cook (Westglen). Mrs. Moulton also awarded him FIRST PLACE IN THE HERDING GROUP! Mrs. Caines and Mrs. Cook, both from Australia awarded Texas 3rd in Group! In addition, Mrs. Cook had awarded him Best of Breed in a supported entry by the regional Corgi Club! What an honor!

Breeder/Judge Joyce Moulton (Texanda)

Judge Marilyn Caines

Breeder/Judge Glenda Cook (Westglen)