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#Fastkeys Searchteam

Ok, as most of you have noticed by now, we are having some problems with our search at the moment. The problems started in the middle of December when the server we used to host the searchbot wasn't available anymore. If you like to know the real reason: I (Saqqz) have moved to a new student apartment, NOT HOUSE as you might have heard. I can't host the bot there, it's as simple as that!

Status now:
We are still working on the problems and it seems like the Fastkeys site will be online again from the middle of January on. I would like to thank all people who wanted to host the bot for us, but we also have all the members' information etc. in the bot, so we would prefer that it stays in the "team" for your security. If this is not possible, we would be glad if one of you could host it for us.

Then during Christmas someone hacked our webpage and deleted everything. We don't have any backup of the page (yes - call us stupid, but we never dreamt that someone could be so cruel to do a thing like that! Naive? Yes!) and we have to make everything up and running again. We hope to have it fully back again at about the same time as we get the searchbot up again.

Status now:
Only this page has been made, but we will probably have a member page up again until next weekend. It will include some stuff for our great members and also files/keys for the PPV event (see below)!

So this are the problems we have right now, but I hope that you will stay with us and have patience. By the way: There is a boxing PPV event with Tyson the 28th of January on Viasat Sports and *this* might be interesting!

Some words from Knowbody: [b2k] and [KeyMaster] are running temporarily a few hours per day until we find a host. Saqqz and me agreed when we concluded that the search must go on somehow and therefore I found a solution for the case that you enter when the bots are not online: You can send an eMail to with your username, password, channel you would like to search and amount of areas. You will get areas manually from me this way. For I think this will result in some work, please consider that it can take one or two days until you get the areas. I guess you might want to know why I can give you areas now but not before: I will feed [b2k] with all the areas I have given out as soon as it is 100% up and running again. That's why I also need your password to register the areas under your name.

Thanks to all our members for their support in 1999 - we can say that the search was marked by luck because we reached almost the same as teams which have much more members than us!

Please keep up the good work in 2000 and let's hope our luck continues! :o)