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What's Going On?

Feb. 27 First off, I want to say, I'M REAL SORRY for not updating! I promise to start updating in the coming days. I've been real busy with work, school and getting my new bass and amp. I just wanted to let you know that I have not forgot about this page and I'm still here and alive. Get ready for some updates coming up soon. Sorry again and thanks for caring enough to read this!

Feb. 19 Well, I know I didn't put any new scales today. I've just been busy with work and school lately. I promise more are on the way with some chord charts too. In the meantime, check out my message board! We've reached 2000+ people! YEA!

Feb. 16 I wonder if anyone is actually reading the What's Going On? section section... hmmm... I wonder if I'm just wasting my time and web space doing this. Any way, well today I added a couple more scales. Soon, I will start a new section devoted to the bass Chords that are compatable with each scale. I'm also seriously considering adding a few scales in the 5 string bass guitar format. Remember, if you can read the notation I have offered for each scale than you you have the scale in any format you want, be it: 4,5,6, or 100 string bass guitar! Well, don't worry, more scales are on their way!

Feb. 13 Well, I finally updated today. I have three days untill I really won't be able to update unless I send 30 bucks to register this program that I'm using to save the scales in JPEG form so I can upload them on the net. Well, I will register after I get a new Bass. I have an Aria Pro II, but I want another bass, something with a little better quality. Anyways, if you live in Idaho or close to Pocatello and you have a good bass to sell for a "nice" price, please email me or if you have a kick back combo Hartke amp. Well, I'll try to get as many scales as I can in three days, then things may get dry, but I assure you I will be adding some as soon as I get a new bass. It's just every cent is being saved up for this. Take care and again, thanks for coming to my little piece of the net.

Feb. 6
Ok, nothing much new is happening. You may notice a few minor changes but the basic lay out of the page is going to remain. I have had some people tell me to add more graphics and other "goodies". I CAN do this but I'm not so people can find the scales they're looking for with ease, fast download time, and no confusion. If you have any ideas, please send them to me or just write them down in my guestbook. Well, I hope these scales I'm putting on are helping you. I know I'm adding some realy exotic scales but I will go back and add a few more known and used ones. Well, that's about it for now. Keep coming back! We've reached a thousand+ people! YEA!!!

Jan. 31
Well, it was bound to happen. I added my own links page! I really don't know many links so I am taking submissions. Please submit your home page URL to Also, I will comb the web periodically and add more links as time goes by. By the way, don't worry, I didn't forget what most of you came here for, the bass scales! There will be more coming soon. Please sign my guestbook if you havn't. Thanks!:-)

Jan. 27
This is the first installment of What's Going On? I will update this page semi-frequently to tell you what's happening concerning me and the Bass Guitar Scale Page. Basically, I just want to say thank you all for coming on and checking out my home page, Bass Guitar Scale Page. Also, this is my first web page to ever make and there may be some mistakes. Please email me if there are any, but I do check and recheck everything that goes on to this page for accuracy. Well, as you may know, I've been updating a lot lately and the frequent updates may become less frequent as time goes on, but I assure you I will still update as long as people keep coming here!

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