I don't own them never claimed to please don't sue me okay.

Ranma 1/2 Reunion Part 3: A Big Surprise.

Ryoga and Akari met up with Konatsu at the train station. "Ryoga Akari how are you too doing" Konatsu said with a sad smile. "Fine you," "Ukyou lost the baby" "Konatsu that's terrible we are so sorry." "That's okay now lets go see the others." Konatsu walked off Akari taking Ryoga's hand followed him.

They arrived in a calm fashion and had begun to get to know each other again when a Limozine pulled up. Out of it came Soun now with gray hair Nabiki still looked the same except dressed nicer Kasume and her husband Dr. Tofu and last Akane and her Husband Kuno.

Needless to say every one was shocked. Akane smirked at Ranma's reaction "Nice to see you again Ranma" "You too Akane glad you found someone." Ranma said with sincerity that made Akane furiouse he wasn't jelouse his pride should have mad him make a fool out of himself.

The night did not pass quickly Akane made rude comments to Shampoo and Ukyou refered to Ryoga as pig boy and generally insulted everyone till finally Nodoka stood up sternly "Enough Akane I will not have you insulting my family and friends." Akane stood up her hands flexing as a blue aura built around her. "How dare you talk to me like that" Akane said brooding "Enought Akane you had better go and never say anything like that to my mother wife or friends again got it." Ranma's voice was cold. "Fine you can keep your slut Kuno lets go" "Yes my love" he followed her out like a lapdog. She yelled back in "If you want a ride home come on now." Soun stood up apalogised for her behaivor and followed her out Kasumi Tofu and Nabiki did the same thing.

To be continued....

Okay so Akane really has changed for the worst but wait it gets worse next time she will try to seduce Ranma.