I don't own them I never claimed to please don't sue me okay

Bear with me folks I'm not good at Fight scene's.

Darkest Hours Part 7

Everyone gasped at the size of the fortress. "Ranma darling the army is comming" Kodachi said laughing at the thought of her and her Ranma dying together in battle. "Boy you and Shampoo go deal with Darnair We will handle things here." Cologn said sternly "Yeah old ghoul lets go Shampoo" Ranma said as he jumped onto the roof of one of the many buildings. The rest of them braced for Darnair solders attack and what began was a mele for the record books.

Darnair smiled as Ranma and Shampoo burst in. "Welcome Akane is yours if you can beat me." Ranma and Shampoo attacked throwing a duel Tenshin Amaguriken at him. Darnair staggered under the blows but did not fall instead he grabbed Shampoo and threw her and punched Ranma in the face. "You two really are good but you can't win." "That remain to be seen Darnair." Shampoo yelled before sending a small "Moko Takabisha" at him "Hey Shampoo you finally got it right." Ranma yelled "Ranm we celebrate later keep mind on fight." "Right, Bakusai Tenketsu" Ranma yelled as he touched the ground underneath the dazed Darnair. "ARRRGH, That hurt." with that a ball of chi surounded him and exploded outward Ranma and Shampoo the ground hard. "I'll kill you both no one can stop this Technique."

"Ranma we must use last resort." "Yeah lets go." "I call upon the dragons strenght and fire to allow me access to it's power." Ranma said "I call upon the dragons spirit and eyes to allow me it's soul." Shampoo said "We unite these powers to purge the darkness." Ranma and Shampoo said as one and a huge Chi blast headed toward Darnair who retaliated with a massive blast of his own.

"Ukyou look out." Konatsu yelled. Ukyou easily dodged and smiled at him "Thanks" she said but the the top of the Palace exploded "Ranchan," Ukyou said quietly "Ranma" "Greatgrandaughter" "Shampoo."

To be continued.

Okay one more chapter to go.