Matrix's Fanfiction Archive

As of March 6, 2001 all my fics that I'm rewriting are on my new page. X-Project

Last UPDATED April 12 2000

Yes I have updated I know I've been neglecting everything about this page and it's various sections but that's changing now sadly I will not be finishing my fics instead I will begin rewriting allot of them to hopefully make them better.

All fics with the exception of two pokemon fanfics will not be updated this is probably temperary(but could also be permenate) but I can no longer spread myself so thin if you realy want to know more about why I'm doing this go to my pokemon archive and there will be an explanation.

I created this arhive because I had this account sitting here going to waste and I have allot of fanfiction that I have written and would like for people to read and give me there thoughts on it so I have placed a BBS on my fanfic page for you to write your C&C in please tell me what you think of my work. OH so you know I used to go by Kyler3000 which is why the names on my fics may not match.

Things to Do

My Fanfiction:My fanfiction mainly anime but with some from other shows like Start Trek and the like.

Upcoming Fics:Short previews of my upcoming fanfics.

Webrings:The webrings I am a member off.

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