Aeris' Realm

Hello there

Ok, well I haven't updated this in awhile, but since I have lots of free time now with my work I can update this all the time. It gives me something to do. Well I figure I should add some more stuff or find some way to get people to go to these. Well actually I'm sitting next to a scanner so maybe I'll bring in some pics I can scan onto my site. Well until then enjoy the page and don't forget to sign the guestbook. Bye Bye - Aeris

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Everything You Need To Know About Me, Plus Some Crap I Felt Like Including
Funny Quotes
Deep Thoughts
Funny Pick Up Lines
24 Ways to Scare People in an Elevator
My Favorite Quotes
My Favorite Web Sites
Santa Claus: Are you Naughty or Nice
Lauren and Jessie's Page O' Fun
And Since I'm A Complete Moron And Forgot The Address For My Slambook, You'll Have To Go To It From Here
Aeris Pics
Quiti Blizzidarga
