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Vinay's Sim City 2000 Page

What's Up?Looking for stuff on Sim City,huh?Well you found the right place! I'll be updating this page all the time.Hope you like it.E-Mail me your comments. Don't forget to sign my guestbook! Sim City 2000.A remake of Sim City except mabye A 1000 TIMES BETTER!I've just given you cheat codes and a demo of the game on this page.Why don't you use them and find out some real stratagy and fun.

My page contents:

Sim City's Maker Homepage
You want cheat codes?They're all here!
The only reason you'd look at this link is if you're to CHEAP to buy the full game and need the demo.Get the demo here.
If you don't have a clue what game this page is about,look here.
Need help playing the game?Take a look at this page.
Some fun tricks.
If you visit this page,sign my guestbook please.
