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Vic's Trill Addiction

Dax & Lenara Frontpage

To Vic's TRILL Addiction Page

The best place in cyber space for Alternative Fan Fiction based on the Trill.

Stories about Dax and Lenara and Beverly Crusher and Kireel Odan now available. All stories though not overly explicit are classified as 'slash'. If you're not into that kind of thing please go elsewhere for your reading pleasure.

Need I add that I don't actually own any of these beautiful women, they are creations by the powers that be at Parmount Pictures. I have borrowed them purely for fan enjoyment and mean no intentional breach of copyright.

I am very open to feed back and would love to take story or poetry contributions to add to either fan fiction pages.

Though this page started off to be just about Dax and Lenara, I am accepting contributions about Beverly and Odan now too.

Email me for details on how to be included.

Email me:

This page has been visited by trill addicts since 31.3.98

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site updated 4th June 1998, click here to see where.

