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A Little Tribute To Bret "The Hit man" Hart

Name:Bret Hart
Date Of Birth:July 2,1957
Home Town:Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Finisher::Sharp Shooter
Brets WWF Career high lights:
Family: Bret comes from a family of 12 siblings, the youngest of his family was his brother Owen. RIP OWEN! Bret's family is legendary in his home country of Canada.Bret's father Stu, trained Bret along with all his brothers and other wrestlers. Stu, ran The Dungeon Training center out of the basement of the Hart's home. There Bret learned to wrestle with his brothers as a kid.

Bret Hart WWF/WCW Achievements:

King Of The Ring
Bret became the first ever King Of The Ring winner in 1993. He defeated Bam-Bam Bigelow in the finals.
He won The Royal Rumble along with Lex Luger in 1994. The ending to this match was very interesting because both Lex and Bret fell over at the same time. The Reffs didn't know who had won. Fink announced first that it was Lex, then Hebner said that the winner was Bret. Finally, it was announced that both Bret and Luger had won!
Tag Team Champions:
Bret and Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, defeated the British Bulldogs to get their first WWF tag team championship belts. 1/26/87
*lost the belts to Strike Force in October of that year*
For their second Tag team titles, Breat and Jim defeated Demolition, in a two out of 3 falls match.
*The lost the belts to The Nasty Boys at WM VII of 1991*
Intercontinental Tittles:
Bret defeated Mr. Perfect at Summer Slam 1991, to become the WWF Intercontinental Title for the first time, 8/91.
*Bret Lost the IC belt to The Mountie,1/92.
Bret became a 2 time IC champion when he defeated Roddy Piper, at WM VIII.
*Bret lost the title at Summer Slamm to The British Bulldog.
WWF World Title
Bret got his first World tittle in 1992 when he defeated Ric Flair.
*Bret lost the title to Yokozuna at WM IX of 1993*
Bret got the WWF title again from Yokozuna at WM X, 1994.
*Bret lost the title to Bob Backlund at Survivor Series '94*
Bret got his third title reign at Survivor Series of '95 as he defeated Diesel.
*Bret lost his title to Shawn Michaels in the iron match of WM XII*
Bret got is fourth WWF title at IYH 13. He defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin, Vader, and Undertaker of '97.
*Sid ended his fourth title reing on the following Monday Night Raw.
Summer Slam of 97, Bret became a 5 time world champion as he defeated the Undertaker..this was when HBK was the reff and he hit the UT by mistake..he was forced to make the count and give Bret the win!
*Bret lost his title in a contreversial match at Survivor Series of 1997, to Shawn Michaels.*

Bret left the WWF very bitter after being "screwd" by Vince at Survivor Series of '97. Although, Bret hasn't had much success in WCW, he has become a 3 time US Champion.

WCW US Titles:
On Nitro in 1998, Bret defeated DDP to become the US champion.
Bret defeated Lex Luger to win back the WCW US Title, in 1998 at Thunder.
Bret defeated DDP on Nitro 9/30/98 to become a three time US champion!

My Bret Hart Memories...

Bret Hart will be one of my all time favorite wrestlers. He was my favorite wrestler when I was kid. I loved him so much and rooted for him always. I even wanted to marry him when I was a kid. Well, him and batman! *LOL* I grew up with Bret and The Hart Foundation! I was a little Hart Foundation fanatic! To this day I still have my Bret Hart glasses! WOhoo! I remember I was crying because I wanted them soooo bad. And my dad bought them for me! YAY!

People always ask me what is my all time favorite match that I've seen LIVE. I've seen sooooo many wrestling matches Live since I was a kid until now. And my all time favorite still is The Hart Foundation VS The Killer Bees. It was at a house show back in the late 80's. See back then the WWF knew their role and always came to Sacramento for house shows and Saturday Night Main Event tapings! But now it's another story *GR*

Anyways, I loved this match soooo much because it was so hilarious. You guys remember when The Hart Foundation feuded with the Killer Bees?? Gawd, I hated the Killer Bees! Well, remember how the Killer Bees use to cheat all the time? They would switch masks under neath the ring. Well, at this house show Bret and Jim did the same thing! *LOL* Like we couldn't tell who's who?? It was so funny and it was so exciting! I dunno why this match sticks in mind but it does! It was just so funny because then The Hart Foundation were heels, and Jimmy Hart was always with his loud speaker! He was a bit annoying at time during matches!! *LOL* Awwww the memories!

I also remember Royal Rumble '93 the only PPV ever held in my hometown, Sacramento CA, where Bret wrestled Razor Ramon! Bret defended his IC title! It was a pretty good match too!

Bret Hart Pictures

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Bret and Jim Bret and Owen Bret posing The Hart Foundation!

Credit for pics goes to Wrestling, Sports Team, and more

Credit for the tittle dates goes to: American Wrestling Trivia
Rusti who helped me out with a title date! =)
And my BRAIN!
Did I just give credit to my brain?? *LOL* That's a first!