Abilties and Attacks
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Abilties and Attacks

Vulnerable Type
Absorb GRS 20 WTR-GRD-RCK Your pokémon absorbs HP from the opponent equal to ½ the attack damage Level
Acid PSN 30 GRS-BUG Deals damage and may decrease opponent's defense Level
Acid Armor PSN 40 ALL Increases your pokémon's defense Level
Agility PSY 30 ALL Increases your pokémon's speed Level
Amnesia PSY 20 ALL Increases your pokémon's special attacks Level
Aurora Beam ICE 20 GRS-GRD-FLY-RCK-DRG Deals damage and may freeze opponent and/or decrease it's attack Level
Barrage NRM 20 ALL Your pokémon attacks 2 to 5 times Level
Barrier PSY 30 ALL Increases your pokémon's defense Level
Bide NRM 10 ALL Your pokémon loses 2 to 3 turns, then hits opponent for twice the damage received TM 34
Bind NRM 20 ALL Your pokémon attacks 2 to 3 times in a row Level
Bite NRM 25 ALL Deals damage and may scare opponent Level
Blizzard ICE 5 GRS-GRD-FLY-RCK-DRG Deals damage and may freeze opponent TM 14
Body Slam NRM 15 ALL Deals damage and may paralyze opponent TM 8
Bone Club GRD 20 FIR-ELC-PSN-RCK Deals damage and may scare opponent Level
Bonemerang GRD 10 FIR-ELC-PSN-RCK Your pokémon attacks twice Level
Bubble WTR 30 GRD-RCK Deals damage and may decrease opponent's speed Level
Bubble Beam WTR 20 GRD-RCK Deals damage and may decrease opponent's speed TM 11
Clamp WTR 10 FIR-GRD-RCK Your pokémon attacks 2 to 5 times in a row Level
Comet Punch NRM 15 ALL Your pokémon attacks 2 to 5 times in a row Level
Confuse Ray GHO 10 ALL Confuses opponent Level
Confusion PSY 25 FTG-PSN Confuses opponent Level
Constrict NRM 35 ALL Deals damage and may decrease the opponents speed Level
Conversion NRM 30 ALL Your pokémon switches it's type to become the opponent's type Level
Counter FTG 20 ALL Hits the opponent for twice the damage received 
(works against physical attacks only)
TM 18
Crab Hammer WTR 10 FIR-GRD-RCK Has a good chance for a critical hit Level
Cut NRM 30 ALL Deals damage HM 1
Defense Curl NRM 40 ALL Increases your pokémon's defense Level
Dig GRD 10 FIR-ELC-PSN-RCK Your pokémon digs into the ground, avoiding opponents attack on the 1st turn, then attacks on the 2nd turn TM 28
Disable NRM 20 ALL Disables one of your opponent's moves Level
Dizzy Punch NRM 10 ALL Deals damage Level
Double Kick FTG 30 NRM-ICE-RCK Your pokémon attacks twice Level
Double Team NRM 15 ALL Increases your pokémon's chances of evading the opponent's attacks TM 32
Double-Edge NRM 15 ALL Your pokémon recieves ¼ the damage the opponent receives TM 10
Double Slap NRM 10 ALL Deals damage Level
Dragon Rage DRG 10 ALL Hits for 40 points of damage TM 23
Dream Eater PSY 15 FTG-PSN While opponent sleeps, your pokémon absorbs it's HP TM 42
Drill Peck FLY 20 GRS-FTG-BUG Deals damage Level
Earthquake GRD 10 FIR-ELC-PSN-RCK Deals damage(not effective on FLY type pokémon) TM 26
Egg Bomb NRM 10 ALL Deals damage TM 37
Ember FIR 25 GRS-ICE-BUG Deals damage and may burn opponent Level
Explosion NRM 5 ALL If succesful, defeats opponent in 1 attack TM 47
Fire Blast FIR 5 GRS-ICE-BUG Deals damage and may burn opponent TM 38
Fire Punch FIR 15 GRS-ICE-BUG Deals damage and may burn opponent Level
Fire Spin FIR 15 GRS-ICE-BUG Your pokémon attacks 2 to 5 times in a row Level
Fissure GRD 5 ALL If succesful, defeats opponent in 1 attack 
(not effective against FLY type pokémon)
TM 27
Flame Thrower FIR 15 GRS-ICE-BUG Deals damage and may burn opponent Level
Flash NRM 20 ALL Deals damage HM 5
Fly FLY 15 GRS-FTG-BUG Your pokémon flies up high, avoiding opponents attack on the 1st turn, then attacks on the 2nd turn HM 2
Focus Energy NRM 30 ALL Has a good chance for a critical hit Level
Fury Attack NRM 20 ALL Your pokémon attacks 2 to 5 times in a row Level
Fury Swipes NRM 15 ALL Your pokémon attacks 2 to 5 times in a row Level
Glare NRM 30 ALL Paralyzes opponent Level
Growl NRM 40 ALL Decreases opponent's attack Level
Growth NRM 40 ALL Increases your pokémon's attack Level
Guillotine NRM 5 ALL If succesful, defeats opponent in 1 hit Level
Gust FLY 35 GRS-FTG-BUG Deals damage Level
Harden NRM 30 ALL Increases you pokémon's defense Level
Haze ICE 30 ALL Cancels all effects on both pokémon Level
Head Butt NRM 15 ALL Deals damage and may scare opponent Level
Hi Jump Kick FTG 20 NRM-ICE-RCK If your pokémon misses, it recieves 1/8 the damage the attack would've dealt Level
Horn Attack NRM 25 ALL Deals damage Level
Horn Drill NRM 5 ALL If succesful, defeats opponent in one attack Tm 7
Hydro Pump WTR 5 FIR-GRD-RCK Deals damage Level
Hyper Beam NRM 5 ALL Deals damage, but your pokémon loses one turn while attacking TM 15
Hyper Fang NRM 15 ALL Deals damage and may scare opponent Level
Hypnosis PSY 20 ALL Puts opponent to sleep Level
Ice Beam ICE 10 GRS-GRD-FLY-RCK-DRG Deals damage and may freeze opponent TM 13
Ice Punch ICE 15 GRS-GRD-FLY-RCK-DRG Deals damage and may freeze opponent Level
Jump Kick FTG 25 NRM-ICE-RCK If your pokémon misses, it recieves 1/8 the damage the attack would've dealt Level
Karate Chop NRM 25 ALL Has a good chance for a critical hit Level
Kinesis PSY 15 ALL Decreases opponent's accuracy Level
Leech Life BUG 15 GRS-PSY Your pokémon absorbs some of the opponent's HP Level
Leech Seed GRS 10 ALL Your pokémon absorbs some of the opponent's HP every turn Level
Leer NRM 30 ALL Decreases opponent's defense Level
Lick GHO 30 PSY Deals damage and may paralyze opponent Level
Light Screen PSY 30 ALL Cuts the damage recieved from special attacks by 50% Level
Lovely Kiss NRM 10 ALL Puts opponent to sleep Level
Low Kick FTG 20 NRM-ICE-RCK Deals damage and may scare opponent Level
Meditate PSY 40 ALL Increases your pokémon's attack Level
Mega Drain GRS 10 WTR-GRD-RCK Your pokémon absorbs HP from the opponent equal to 1/2 the attack damage TM 21
Mega Kick NRM 5 ALL Deals damage TM 5
Mega Punch NRM 20 ALL Deals damage TM 1
Metronome NRM 10 ALL TMs used at random TM 35
Mimic NRM 10 ALL Your pokémon mimics it's opponent's lat attack TM 31
Minimize NRM 20 ALL Increaes your pokémon's chances of evading attacks Level
Mirror Move FLY 20 ALL Your pokémon mimics it's opponent's lat attack Level
Mist ICE 30 ALL Defends against special attacks designed to decrease your pokémon's abilities Level
Night Shade GHO 15 ALL Damage dealt is equal to your pokémon's experiance level Level
Pay Day NRM 20 ALL Deals damage and you recieve extra money after battle TM 16
Peck FLY 35 GRS-FTG-BUG Deals damage Level
Petal Dance GRS 20 WTR-GRD-RCK Deals damage, but confuses your pokémon Level
Pin Missile BUG 20 GRS-PSY Your pokémon attacks 2 to 5 times in a row Level
Poison Gas PSN 40 ALL Poisens opponent Level
Poison Sting PSN 35 GRS-BUG Deals damage and may poisen opponent Level
Poison Powder PSN 35 ALL Poisens opponent Level
Pound NRM 35 ALL Deals damage Level
Psybeam PSY 20 FTG=PSN Deals damage and may confuse opponent Level
Psychic PSY 10 FTG-PSN Decreases opponent's special attacks TM 29
Psywave PSY 15 ALL Damage dealt is equal to 1.5 times your pokémon's experiance level TM 46
Quick Attack NRM 30 ALL Your pokémon attacks first Level
Rage NRM 20 ALL As your pokémon takes damage, it's attack power increases till the end of the battle TM 20
Razor Leaf GRS 25 WTR-GRD-RCK Has a good chance for a critical hit Level
Razor Wind NRM 10 ALL Your pokémon builds power on the first turn, then attacks on the second TM 2
Recover NRM 20 ALL Restores half of your pokémon's maximum number of HP Level
Reflect PSY 20 ALL Cuts the damage received by 50% TM 33
Rest PSY 10 ALL If succesful, your pokémon recovers all of it's HP, then loses 2 turns TM 44
Roar NRM 20 ALL Ends the  battle automatically (doesn't work in duels against trainers) Level
Rock Slide RCK 10 FIR-FLY-BUG Deals damage TM 48
Rock Throw RCK 15 FIR-FLY-BUG Deals damage Level
Rolling Kick FTG 15 NRM-ICE-RCK Deals damage and may scare opponent Level
Sand Attack NRM 15 ALL Decreases opponent's accuracy Level
Scratch NRM 30 ALL Deals damage Level
Screech NRM 40 ALL Decreases opponent's defense Level
Seismic Toss FTG 20 ALL Damage dealt is equal to your pokémon's experiance level TM 19
Self Destruct NRM 5 ALL Deals damage, but causes your pokémon to faint TM 36
Sharpen NRM 30 ALL Increases your pokémon's attack Level
Sing NRM 15 ALL Puts opponent to sleep Level
Skull Bash NRM 15 ALL Your pokémon withdraws his head on the first turn, then attacks on the second TM 40
Sky Attack FLY 5 GRS-FTG-BUG Your pokémon builds energy on the first turn, then attacks on the second TM 43
Slam NRM 20 ALL Deals damage Level
Slash NRM 20 ALL Deals damage, has a good chance for a critical hit Level
Sleep Powder GRS 15 ALL Puts opponent to sleep Level
Sludge PSN 20 GRS-BUG Deals damage and may poisen opponent Level
Smog PSN 20 ALL Deals damage and may poisen opponent Level
Smoke Screen NRM 20 ALL Decreases opponent's accuracy Level
Soft Boiled NRM 10 ALL Restores half of your pokémon's maximum number of HP TM 41
Solar Beam GRS 10 WTR-GRD-RCK Your pokémon builds energy on the first turn, then attacks on the second TM 22
Sonic Boom NRM 20 ALL Deals 20 points of damage Level
Spike Cannon NRM 15 ALL Your pokémon attacks 2 to 5 times in a row Level
Splash NRM 40 ALL Deals damage Level
Stomp NRM 20 ALL Deals damage and may scare opponent Level
Strength NRM 15 ALL Deals damage HM 04
String Shot BUG 40 ALL Decreases opponent's speed Level
Struggle NRM 10 ALL Can be used when all PP is gone, but your pokémon recieves ¼ the damage dealt Level
Stun Spore GRS 30 ALL Paralyzes opponent Level
Submission FTG 25 NRM-ICE-RCK Your pokémon recieves ¼ the damage dealt TM 17
Substitute NRM 10 ALL Your pokémon creates clones of it's self, which then fight automatically TM 50
Super Fang NRM 10 ALL Cuts opponents HP in half Level
Supersonic NRM 20 ALL Confues opponent Level
Surf WTR 15 FIR-GRD-RCK Deals damage HM 03
Swift NRM 20 ALL Deals damage TM 39
Swords Dance NRM 30 ALL Increases your pokémon's attack TM 03
Tackle NRM 35 ALL Deals damage Level
Tail Whip NRM 30 ALL Decrease opponent's defense Level
Take Down NRM 20 ALL Your pokémon recieves ¼ the damage dealt TM 09
Teleport PSY 20 ALL Ends the batte automatically (doesn't work against trainers) TM 30
Thrash NRM 20 ALL Deals damage, but confuses your pokémon Level
Thunder ELC 10 WTR-FLY Deals damage and may paralyze opponent TM 25
Thunder Wave ELC 20 ALL Paralyzes opponent TM 45
Thunder Bolt ELC 15 WTR-FLY Deals damage and may paralyze opponent TM 24
Thunder Punch ELC 15 WTR-FLY Deals damage and may paralyze opponent Level
Thunder Shock ELC 30 WTR-FLY Deals damage and may paralyze opponent Level
Toxic PSN 10 ALL Poisens opponent TM 06
Transform NRM 10 ALL Transforms your pokémon into a copy of it's opponent Level
Tri Attack NRM 10 ALL Deals damage TM 49
Twin Needle BUG 20 GRS-PSY Your pokémon attacks twice, may poisen opponent Level
Vice Grip NRM 30 ALL Deals damage Level
Vine Whip GRS 10 WTR-GRD-RCK Deals damage Level
Water Gun WTR 25 FIR-GRD-RCK Deals damage TM 12
Waterfall WTR 15 FIR-GRD-RCK Deals damage Level
Whirlwind NRM 20 ALL Ends the battle automatically (doesn't work against trainers) TM 04
Wing Attack FLY 35 GRS-FTG-BUG Deals damage Level
Withdraw WTR 40 ALL Increases your pokémon's defense Level
Wrap NRM 20 ALL Your pokémon attacks 2 to 5 times in a row Level
Ability Type PP Vulnerable Type Effect Learn
Spore GRS 15 ALL Puts opponent to sleep Level