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The Mustard Awards Home Page

Welcome to the home of The Mustard Awards! There are now three awards given out by this page. The first was "The Mustard Outstanding Web Page Award." Then came the Mustard Star Wars Pez Award! Most recently The Mustard Super Sports Page Award was revealed!

Sorry, but we are not currently accepting any new award submissions, but thanks for your support.

These awards only go to the best pages on the web. We will now be selecting pages based on our freqeunt searches of the internet. So do not bother to send us your link any more. Thanks to all of you who did though, we were just getting too far behind in the messages.
We now have a special award for pages dedicated to Star Wars and those dedicated to Sports.

To see the list, which contains all of the pages to receive either of the Mustard Awards, click here.

Check Out WHAT'S NEW! for the latest info about The Mustard Awards and the other Mustard Pages!
