House of Stone and Light

House of Stone and Light

"The heart of our society lies not in politics, government, or religion, but in the sheer joy of living. Imagination is the key to happiness, and happiness is the key to living a full and fulfilling life." ~Quiene of Phaerie
Welcome to my life. You'll find things from those moments where I can't contain my innate ability to make someone laugh, and things that were borne from the darkest moments of my life. You'll find my soul among these few hastily drawn up paragraphs. Look closely, friend. You may be surprised with what you see.

A taste of Katrina

Visit my friends

Quote of the Never-ending Week

Disclaimer (if you're at my page, you must obey all posted speed limits)

Sketches by me

Some small vestiges of talent

WARNING: Alcohol Consumption...

Little sisters are wonderful, yes?

Writings and Characters, the world of my Imagination

Thank You...

Why I hate men

The Pale Star (working title)

Shrine of the Spinning Kitty

The Dragon Sunset

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