Background to the MAI (archived)


Excerpts ...

OECD Member's Ministerial Statement - May 26 1997

Ministers are convinced of the importance of international investment and the need for fair, transparent and predictable rules for investors and investments. They welcome the major progress made in developing a comprehensive Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) with high standards for the liberalisation of investment regimes and investment protection and with effective dispute settlement procedures. They recall that the MAI will be a free-standing international treaty open to all OECD countries and the European Community, and to non-OECD countries.

Ministers express their determination :

  1. to resolve outstanding questions and achieve a high standard of liberalisation and investment protection;
  2. to achieve a satisfactory scope and balance of commitments;
  3. to pursue intensified dialogue with non-Member countries, particularly those interested in joining the MAI;
  4. to conclude the Agreement in time for the 1998 Ministerial Meeting.

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