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My Pleas To WCW and it's wrestlers!

Note: These are just my little views and Opinions on WCW, you may or may not agree with me.


Where can I begin? First thing WCW what you should do is PLEASE, get rid off MASTER P and his HOOODY-HOOO "Crap" Soldiers.

Next Please, I begg you don't ever, ever put any more music bands like, Mr. Henning would say, "Megacrap," AGAIN ON NITRO!!!! Listen to me carefully WCW, IT'S NOT WORKING!!!!

This one is very important; WCW headquarters listen up! The fans DO NOT want to see main event matches with so many interfearances in them! WHY? You hype up a Kevin Nash VS SID, and then it ends in DQ??? Uh, that's a big NO-NO guys! I mean when the NWO was in full effect that's all we ever got. And lord knows we are all sick and tired of the NWO.

Macho Man, Pipper, it me or do these guys get way too much air time? WCW, Please don't give them all this air time! I mean all they do is ramble on and on and on.

MR. Flair : Yes you are a character when you do interviews but please, you over do it some times!

Rowdy Pipper: You use to be FUNNY....noticed I said USED TO BE, in the good old days. But now, your not! So my advice to you is don't say much! Please!

Machoman: PLEASE, lose those flashy T-shirts!!! They are not making you look any younger or any "cooler"! Your shirts are not Electrifying. We all know who is the man with the BEST, Electrifying, Original, Shirts! Yes, The Rock. Please, give him a call, or watch Raw and take pointers!

David Flair: David, David, David!!! What on earth are you doing inside the Ring?? Then again what are you doing in the wrestling business?? Let's face it kid, you have no ring skills, no mic skills, and no charisma! my advice to you is to stay away from the business. If you must keep in the business, please, PLEASE, go to a wrestling school FIRST! Oh, yeah and please work out!

Bobby Heenan and Tony Schiovonee(sp?): OK guys need some spice to the Nitro commentary. Bobby, you are sometimes funny BUT you side too much with Tony on the "faces" in the WCW. Please for the Love of God, go back to your old ways of commentating. You know, the "HEEL" commentator you were in the WWF. You need to be somewhat like Lawler. Kiss A$$ to the Heels. That would make it more interesting!And Tony, please do something about the hair!

The Nitro Girls: WHAT IS THEIR PURPOSE??? All the do in my opinion is waste AIR TIME! Cut their TV time PLEASE!

JOBBERS, JOBBERS, JOBBERS!!: I think Nitro will be more entertaining if you cut all the jobbers and no-names out of Nitro. Please use Thunder wisely to give these guys their time and to build them up to main event status!

The Cat: Somebody call my momma cause I'm gonna off on this guy! Oh man, in my opinion The Cat is the MOST ANNOYING wrestler EVER! We all know your a 3 time karate Champ! Who cares! All The Cat does is waste air time and make people change the channels to Raw. What is the purpose of this guy??And NO, I don't want to see you dance either MR. Cat!!

STING: What on earth is the story with Sting? You guys are doing the same stupid angle with him...The Fake Sting...blah, blah. Look I honestly feel that Sting could be used way better. Please give him a new Feud, make him more involved. Hell, give him the BELT again, I think he could have done more with the belt than Nash right now! Sting is crucial to WCW, so guys use him well!

Hollywood Hogan: Ok, Hollywood your solution can be resolved in one word..LISTEN CAREFULLY NOW: RETIREMENT! Thank you.

The Luchadores: Ok, these guys work their butts off, they are also very talented with all those air moves and stuff. I understand that some can't speak english but would it hurt you to pay more attention to them?? Involve them in small feuds or something!

Last but not least...Mr. Nash: Now MR. Nash I don't know what type of power you have as a booker. And I can't even imagine all the work you do. I appreciate that your trying your hardest to Improve Nitro. All I ask of you is this, please don't let your power and ego in the way of giving those who deserve a push. We all know there's PLENTY of guys who deserve a push here's some to consider:Chris Benoit, Raven (when he comes back, poor baby, get well soon Raven!)El Vampiro(give him a chance), Bret Hart (If he comes back)Lash Leur-something (you know who I mean), Juventud Guerra and all the Luchadores, and Eddy Guerrero!

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