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DragonStar Barony

Welcome to the DragonStar Barony webpage and image gallery. DragonStar is the Southern Idaho chapter of Amtgard Inc. We are a not for profit, fantasy role-play group based in the medieval and renaissance eras. We simulate combat with padded weapons made from pvc and foam.

The main difference between Amtgard and other medieval or renaissance groups is the aspect of fantasy. Players have a choice of classes ranging from the standard warrior to the mystical wizard, healer, druid, or bard. We run quests in which we fight against monsters and each other.

Our court officers are elected by the populace and everyone interested in participating in a court position has an equal opportunity to be elected. There are only a few requirements:

Must be 18 years to hold position due to legal responsibilities of our contract with Amtgard inc.

Must have been an active member for at least six months.

Must be dues paid, (dues are $5 for six months and are used to support the group)

Participation in Crown Qualification Events

For more general information on Amtgard as a group or on the rules of play please visit the Amtgard home page.

Amtgard Homepage

Some of our orriginal founding members

DragonStar Gallery

Contact us