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back again....
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my industrial attachment life in Soxal STM
Sunday, 7 November 2004
it's been a long long long time....
Mood:  blue
Topic: back again....
i'm back again to write my online diary...
today i had a dream. something that i din like. it ain't the supernatural or the horror. it's on ladies... kinda funny... din know how come i had such a dream.

i have a maid at home with my family. This maid was ok. till a period i dunno why, she seems to be very open and have lots of ang moh friends... these ang mohs are staying above us in the highest floor.( she even tried to flirt with my dad) we are staying in a condo i have no impression of. I was staying elsewhere with my boyrfriend then and when i went back to this condo home, it was empty cos my family went out and the maid was not around. it was quite some time b4 the maid came back. she din do any housework. she looked at me and then turned on the pc. I was thinking that we din let her use our pc how come she on them when i was around? the funny thing was that we had 5 pcs at home. one for dad, sis, me, 2 common one (one at the living room, other in the master room). the maid used my dad's pc first and log online but with my collegue's user id. I was thinking where she got the connection id. Then later she turned on my pc to use , saying that she got prob using my dad's pc. then she turned on without my permission. after that she wanted to turn on my sis pc. then i said :" cannot use that cos it's under security" She ignored me and then just sit at the living table with the other 2 pcs.
after awhile, the door rang and i had to open the door. the stupid maid just sat on the table, to use the pcs. 2 friends entered. I dun realy know them but have seen them b4. Then more came in, more and more. till the house was full of people. even my room was invaded. The maid was happily enjoying herself, chatting with them, playing with them. I din like the way they behaved. Then my sis came back... She wasn't the real one i had in life. It's a different person. I dunno how come i would call her sis. I remember seeing her as a volutious lady, wearing red and long wavy hair. She sat with the maid and were chatting happily and bitching with the guys... by the way... all the ppl that somehow came over were guys. i dunno what was the reason for that. It was till some time i was annoyed, i took the 2 ( sis n maid) into the room and locked them in. some how the guys left. Then i went into the room where i locked them to scold them.... they ignored me....

I woke soon....

Posted by ia3/wxw001 at 12:01 PM WST
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Thursday, 6 May 2004
So happy cos it's thurs oging sat. I'm so tired. always short of time. I sleep by 10 n wake up by 6 everyday.
Today I'm also going out so I so happy...

Posted by ia3/wxw001 at 9:06 AM JST
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all these days
weather is not as good for it rains as it wishes.

I've been photocoping n filing stuff since i came over to Jurong. Starting, it was ok cos just started mah. then later there were changes in the filing, i had to check all the stuff photocopied n filed them according to a new list then it was tiring n i get irritated easily. It was the same thing everyday. checking n photocoping n filning. i got books to photocopy u know. those thick STANDARDS book. it's like 2inches thick n of those textbook thin paper material. Horrible... I had to flip page by page to photocopy them. Haha by now, i had already used about 2-3boxes of paper. that's 4 or 5 rims per box. no joking matter man. It's real lots. Now my table below is packed with all papers till my big big boss was shocked n wanted to do something about it. I myself din want to do this too for it uses too mch paper. Wonder when ppl can really go to the paperless world. everyone say that they want to go paperless but when did they really start doing so? i have no idea. with pcs about i dun see why stuff aren't burn into cd n passed about so that everyone can get the info easily. paper will turn yellow n soon it will be brittle as time passes. sigh... waste so many trees too...
but i'm just receiving orders. there's nothing i can do. As a student, i just take n accept, I at most will ask why but i will not say no. I got no choice. I'm only a student. That's the negative part being a student attach in a co. But there's also postive part that is punishments can be lighter for we are students. we are new to the real working world.
there's good n bad. n i have met both in this few months of attachment.
Guys who have yet had their attachment, good luck!
Luck do play a very big part in everything. maybe got that 15%.

Posted by ia3/wxw001 at 9:03 AM JST
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Thursday, 29 April 2004
continuation (nightmare)
i was with my mum on the dining table. i was crying i asked her to move house n sell the house but she refused. i told her not to look about for the dead bodies were still lying there. then later my sis also refused to move out. i told them i wasn to move out. they suggest i move to the new house but i din dare to stay in the newhouse alone n i din wan to get my bf to stay alone with me in the new house. then later i somehow was in another place . with some tile walls....
my alarm sound n i woke up...

Posted by ia3/wxw001 at 1:06 PM JST
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i had a nightmare last night. i woke up once at 130am n went back to zzz. next i got a nightmare. i have no idea where it started. a person n i went to a place. i have no idea who that person was. the face was blur n i know that we were holding hands. we ran to this place n played. then later i was alone, i went by this place woody woody looking pub. there was a table n there was this animal on it. it looks like a squrriel n hamsterlooking. then i was looking at it. it was there just doing nothing. then later someone came over, a waiter. then he told me that the animal will start playing on it's own later n asked me to touch it. i din want to touch it for i dunno what it is n dunno if clean anot. then later the animal really started playing on its own. i dunno how it started playing but it just somehow got onto this see saw looking thing n started swinging up n down n spinning around at the same time. then later i saw it going to drop near the end of the table then i quickly reach out the catch it. the see saw thingy disappeared n the animal was on my hand. then later it went back to the table.
i left without saying anything. then i opened the door to enter the pub. somehow will walk towards that direction. then i somehow dunno how it started n chat with another waiter. i dunno wat we talked abt but i know i left the place smiling.
then i step out of the pub thru another exit. it was a small wooden bridge with afew steps wide n long only. then it reaches to a pebble area. when i step onto the bridge, i notice the next 2 steps were broken n that minute, a group of policemen ran out n shouted. FREEZE. i was shocked. next i dunno what happen, i was in a police questioning room n my mind was blank.i have no idea what happened. i forgot my name my family, everything. my family came to visit me but i din reco them n avoid them. the doc lead me to a full checkup to see what happened. then next i know was that i was in my old house but it aint' the reality old house. the furnitures were different. i was with my dad. we were sitting on the floor facing a tv off. suddenly 2 policemen came in with 3 men with their head covered in black bag. i dunno what happened. i looked back once then i din dare to look back again. next thing i know was they fired. i was frighten. the policemen left.

Posted by ia3/wxw001 at 12:53 PM JST
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28 April 2004 Wednesday
After work, i had a class gathering with my uni year 1 mates. we gathered at tanjong pagar n left for the jap restaurant matasu, just diagonal to the mrt. then we ate. there. such a coincident, effendy n his indonesian friends were there eating too. we sat in different tables thou. got clarence, shini, pingsern, xuetian, cs, hanwei n me. total 7 ppl. we ordered lots of food n ate as we chat. the variety ain't much but still ok lah yah... we had lots of fun chatting till about 9plus-930, we left the restaurant. each paid $17. then i took mrt back
i chopchop took a bathe n went to zzz.
poor dad. he kenna my flu n cough.... n i got to pass him my medicines liao...

Posted by ia3/wxw001 at 10:51 AM JST
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Tuesday, 27 April 2004
weather: ok
Today I woke up at 0600 n left the house at 615 for the bus. I reached boon lay at 725 n waited for the bus n soon i was at work here at 0800. What's gonna happen today? I dunno. Anything new happening? Anything Bad? I hope not.

Posted by ia3/wxw001 at 9:32 AM JST
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26 April 2004 monday
weather: ok

I went to AMK site to collect my sup's book. After which I stop by City Hall to collect something before proceeding to Boon Lay.
I reached Boon Lay at about 11 and headed for the clinic. I was having sore throat n flu n cold.
The queue was very long. I waited for full 2 hours before i was able to meet the doctor. I wonder why things took so long. Firstly, they made everyone have a ticket number. then there were only 2 doctors while there were 3 rooms. So I had to wait. The doctors took a very long time. I have no idea what they do inside. My ticket no is 55. When i saw 53 (about 1.5hrs later) i was excited i was thinking should be mine turn soon. Heaven knows. the next number to show was 43 then later 810 , funny numbers n people were holding those number. i waited for another 25 min b4 i was finally my turn. I went in, saw the doc n told him my problems. then he checked my throat n checked my breathings... hahah he asked if i have fever. but i dun have... hahah tihnk he's worried... incase i kenna sars. then he told me he will give me etc etc medicines. then i said ok then that's it. 5 mins only. and i'm out of the room. then i have to wait again for my queue number to collect medicine. process was really long. waited for abt another 15-20 min b4 i could really leave the clinic.
I bought Mos burger milk shake n left for my office. after finishing the shake, i took the medicine. i then realised that ALL my medicine have drowsy effect after medication! thinking thinking thinking. I was wondering the long hours waiting, is there a purpose behind it? Is it to make the patients wait n rest or sleep at the same time? Or is it just plain slow?
I was sleepy thru out the day. till 530, i left office. I zzz thru out the journey back home. I was so sleepy that my head kept nodding nodding nodding.
Soon I got home. I went to the washroom n had my dinner. I watched tv till 830 then i took a bath , relax for another 45mins on tv n went to sleep. Hey i fell asleep really fast. Once down really down....

Posted by ia3/wxw001 at 9:30 AM JST
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Friday, 23 April 2004
weather: ok
today is geokeng's last day at J2. she will be posted to SSMC today.
today we had lunch... i was invited to join them... big bosses n managers... it's for geok eng for her celebration n farewell... so paiseh when i joined them. could only listen to them. din dare to speak out incase i said the wrong thing...
then something i never thought will ever happen today... my big boss asked me about how my prof reacted regards to that day 12 april 2004. then i said he din react much after i got scolded. then the rest all look at me n said "u are that girl yah..."
jialet... i was so paiseh man... sigh... already infamous b4 going to J2. now even more infamous... then i kept quiet n just had my lunch... they din scold me thou... heng...
all of them are married if i'm not wrong. then they were talking about their children. some in primary some slightly older than me. <30.
each of their family seems slightly different from one another. Haha at least talking about family is better than talking about work stuff. then i would know nuts...
they were talking about cars. then said that if buy porshe car will mix with the same group. if buy another type will mix with another group...
for my case i would say. Nope i dun wan a car. *hint hint* know what i mean?? I want someone to fetch me about yah... haha... *hint hint*

ok that's all for today... i ate the set lunch. sambal fish n rice. the fish is really nice... but i think i'm having a sore throat now... LOZENGES!!!

Posted by ia3/wxw001 at 2:56 PM JST
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Thursday, 22 April 2004
weather: ok quite hot outisde. cold in office
today is first paper for ntu engineering year 1... afternoon paper. wonder how's the paper gonna be. Usually everytime results are out at the end of the sem, the weather is always wet. raining all the time. will it be the same this sem?

i'm now at jurong. bought the mrt n bus concession.
today as usual i'm early. other 2 collegues are early too.
heard tomorrow another lady coming back. she had her maternality leave.
Things are like that lor... quiet n surfing for STANDARDS for drawings. so that the projects will standardise to use only 1 type to draw and things will not get confused.

today morning for breakfast, i ate 1/2 a pizza mum bought. very nice despite the chilli sause it had. then my collegue gave me her beancurd- green pandan... very nice to eat. it's smooth. though the syrup is sweet. i finised the beancurd leaving the syrup behind... heeee

Posted by ia3/wxw001 at 2:04 PM JST
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