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Well I'm now one of the growing number of people that have there own Thunderbolt. I Have purched the head assembly of a 1000 off ebay for $250.00. I Had to pick it up from Greenville PA which ment once again another road trip to PA to get a siren. The siren was removed from Ohio and replaced with a 2001. The specs for it are as follows. 10 HP 3 PHASE 60 CYCLES 220 VOLT blower, which was sadly scraped along with the RCM 1. 3 phase 1/3 hp rotator, 2 hp single phase, single tone chopper. SECA founder Jeff Miller has an RCM 1 that he's going to give me. I'll have more on it as soon as I get it. In the mean time here's the 3 pics that were on ebay. Thanks to the seller Dave Miller (no relation to the SECA founder) for letting me use these pics. I'll have more pics as soon as I get the siren up here along with a few recordings.

before restoration

looking at the top of the horn
a side view with some snow on the rotator and horn
looking from below. you can see where the standpipe was connected and the conduit where all the wires are run

pick up

This is what I was greated to when I pulled into Dave's place
Horn being removed from chopper assembly
horn's off the horn bracket's bolts were frozen
Dave holding it up for a photo (it's huge)
here's the stator. as you can tell by the single slot it's a 1000 (a 1000T would have 2 slots)
here's the rotator. As you can see it was not maintained at all when in service (that makes me mad) but everything still moves
rotator/chopper assembly loaded into the backseat. It took 3 people counting myself to get it in there.
Dave in the orange and his son tieing the horn to the roof. The horn is not too heavy. also note it still has a fully intact screen
on the road before I stopped for the night at Jeff Seidel's. (yes I got alot of weird looks from other cars passing by)
HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM! the horn came loose heading back to CT so out of desperation stopped at a store and bought some shoe lace to help secure it with the strong rope I used
finaly back in CT and getting it unloaded,nearly killed myself getting the horn off the roof
This is the temporary set up I have just untill I can get the chopper out (which maybe a while)
just to give you an idea on just how big they are here's the horn compared to my 5
the taper pins and stator bolts are out just have to free the 4 allen bolts holding it in place (which are on there good)
A proud T-bolt owner posing with his 2 best sirens
this is what I'm going to use as a duel toned chopper untill I can find a proper 1000T chopper