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When He Stands Alone - Part 6

When He Stands Alone - Part 5
By: Star Fighter

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own, have never owned, or never will own Pokemon or any of it’s
things or rights therein. I also do not own Nothing Else Matters by Metallica. They own that. I
also don't own Always by Saliva. Saliva owns that. Not me. So you can't sue me. HAHAHAHA! .... that was
pretty redundant. ( ^_^')


Words in Italics are people’s thoughts.

--------------------------------- denotes a scene change.

Words in Bold are song lyrics

(A/N)- It’s the same thing in every story, just felt like putting it down again. Wow. Almost a year
for this story to be completed. I REALLY deserve to be shot for this. Then again, I ask myself if I'm
even worth the bullet.

(A/N)- Wow. It's been about, what, Nine months and this thing is still not done? God I don't deserve you
people who have waited for this last part. I'm sitting in third hour study hall right now so chances
are that this might not be the last part like i had hoped. Unless of course I some how get this done
today some time else. Which I doubt it. I'm really sorry for all this. Anyway, here's the last part.
(A/N: I’m starting up with the last few lines of the previous chapter like I did last time.)

These chilling words echoed and reverberrated in Brock’s head, repeating over and over. “No matter
what, I’ll love him until I die. No one will replace him and no one will ever be able to recreate
the feelings I have for him. I’ll take my love for him to the grave with me and beyond.”
He knew
that when Ash heard this, he would break. But he said nothing to Misty, for she needed to figure this
out and tell this to him herself. No amount of apologizing would help her now. Only this would work.
It would only work if Misty laid her soul out bare for Ash. Only then would he break. Only then......


Ash entered the Pokemon Center and set his pokeballs and Pikachu down on the tray.

"Pikapi?" (Ash?)

Ash patted Pikachu on the head and rubbed his cherry-red cheeks with the back of his hand.
"Nurse Joy? Would you please heal my pokemon for me?" he said, turning to Nurse Joy.
"No problem! How did your gym battle go for you, Ash?" Nurse Joy said as she placed Pikachu and the
other pokeballs in the regeneration chamber.
Ash replied as he stared at the badge in his hand, his voice sounding dead and lifeless.

"I won, but what does it matter anymore? There's no one worth sharing it with. I'm beginning to wonder
what the point of continuing is. There's no spark, no fire, no joy in winning a gym battle, or any
battle, anymore. I've run from my friends because one of them hurt me deeply. I couldn't take it
anymore. Nurse Joy, I had to get away from her. And even now as I stand here three weeks after the
event occured, the shattered pieces of my heart encased in ice are beginning to vibrate and warm up.
No matter how hard I try. No matter what I do, I can't get her voice out of my head. And it's driving
me insane."

Nurse Joy just stood there as Ash continued to speak.

"I haven't spoken with her for three weeks. And now I know that her and Brock have been following me
close enough that this battle gave them the time they needed to finally catch up. When Gyrados' hyper
beam hit the battle field of the stadium and the air was thick with smoke, it brought back memories of
my battle at the Orange Island championship. When the smoke cleared and I saw Pikachu on top of Gyrados,
barely managing to hold on, I heard her. The girl who had hurt me so deeply. The one I had finally run
from. The one who I love. The one who finally made me snap and turn cold and bitter to almost the whole
human race. She called my name. And I froze. Suddenly, I found the ice around my heart beginning
to melt. And of all the things that could have happened, I fought to keep the ice intact." he finally
looked up at Nurse Joy, continuing, barely holding back the tears.

"HOW COULD I HAVE FOUGHT TO SAVE THE ICE!?!? HOW?!" he screamed, his eyes, with tears, hardly
seeing Nurse Joy in front of him.

His pain and suffering finally got the best of him and he collapsed to his knees. Nurse Joy ran round in
front of the desk and helped him to his feet.

"C'mon Ash, lets get you into a room for the night. Maybe some sleep will help you get your mind off
of....what was her name?" she said.
"Misty. Misty Waterflower. Gym leader of the Cerulean City Gym." Ash said, dully.
A gym leader?! Travelling around with a trainer? How did that happen? Nurse Joy was

Nurse Joy grabbed a key to a room and lead Ash down the hall.

"In you go Ash, I've given you room number 10. It joins with room 9 but 10 is the only room in the
Pokemon Center that has a CD stereo. You go take a nice long shower and get some sleep. Maybe you'll feel
better in the morning. I'll bring you your pokemon as soon as they are done regenerating." Nurse Joy said
before she closed the door and left Ash to his thoughts.

Ash sighed as he dropped his backpack and sat down on the bed. Lost in thought, he did not realize that a
certain red-head had made it to the Center just in time to hear his speech.


(A/N - As the whole exchange with Ash and Nurse Joy, Misty and Brock have just reached the Pokemon
Center doors.)


Brock helped Misty to her feet.

"C'mon Misty, let's get to the Center before Nurse Joy locks us out. Hopefully they have room for us."
Misty didn't say a word. She just allowed herself to be steered around, trusting Brock wouldn't let
anything happen to her.

As fate would have it, they reached the doors just to hear the start of Ash's speech. Misty's head snapped
up at the sound of his voice.

"I won, but what does it matter anymore? There's no one worth sharing it with. I'm beginning to wonder
what the point of continuing is. There's no spark, no fire, no joy in winning a gym battle, or any
battle, anymore. I've run from my friends because one of them hurt me deeply. I couldn't take it
anymore. Nurse Joy, I had to get away from her. And even now as I stand here three weeks after the
event occured, the shattered pieces of my heart encased in ice are beginning to vibrate and warm up.
No matter how hard I try. No matter what I do, I can't get her voice out of my head. And it's driving
me insane."

Misty's eyes began to tear up at hearing that she was getting though to Ash and the fire of Hope began
to grow back into a small flame from the sputtering spark that it had been reduced to over the
course of the 3 weeks. Her attention was drawn back to reality as Ash continued on.

"I haven't spoken with her for three weeks. And now I know that her and Brock have been following me
close enough that this battle gave them the time they needed to finally catch up. When Gyrados' hyper
beam hit the battle field of the stadium and the air was thick with smoke, it brought back memories of
my battle at the Orange Island championship. When the smoke cleared and I saw Pikachu on top of Gyrados,
barely managing to hold on, I heard her. The girl who had hurt me so deeply. The one I had finally run
from. The one who I love. The one who finally made me snap and turn cold and bitter to almost the whole
human race. She called my name. And I froze. Suddenly, I found the ice around my heart beginning
to melt. And of all the things that could have happened, I fought to keep the ice intact."


And just as quickly as it had began to gain strength, her fire of hope began to fade once again
at hearing that Ash had fought to save the ice around his heart.

"No." was all that she whispered.

Brock just stood there and never said a word. There was nothing he could say, nothing he could do,
That would help Misty now. It was all in her hands.


Ash came out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Instead of heading for his
clothes, he opened his backpack and started rummaging through it. He pulled out a toothbrush and
some toothpaste, an extra towel, his clothes from that day, his Orange Island Cup, and some spare gloves
before finding what he was looking for. He opened the CD holder and selected a custom burnt CD labeled:
Ash's Mix - Delta.

He walked over to the CD player and put it in. At that moment, Nurse Joy had knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Ash asked, his voice void of all emotion.
"It's me Ash, Nurse Joy. I've brought back your pokeballs and Pikachu." a voice called from the other
side of the door.
"Pikapi!" (Ash!)

Either not noticing, or not caring, he got up with the towel still around his waist, his hair still wet.
He opened the door as he normally would....wide open. Thankfully, no other trainers were in the hall.

"Here you go As....Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realize you...I mean I...umm...." Nurse Joy blushed furiously.
She couldn't help but stare.

Ash's tanned chest was well chiseled, his abs standing out like a six-pack. His biceps were well
toned and very strong as well. His physical form was almost god-like. But with his normal clothing on,
it was kind of hard to tell.

Ash, whether his normal densness, or whether he didn't really care at all, just took the tray, patted
Pikachu on the head and thanked Nurse Joy. He turned around and went back inside his room, shutting
the door behind him.

"Wow. For a trainer as young as him, he is pretty good looking. I almost feel sad for that Misty girl."
she said dreamily as she went back down the hall to the front desk.


Brock and Misty were waiting by the front desk when Nurse Joy arrived, a furious blush still on her

"Umm, Nurse Joy? Are you ok?" Misty asked.
"Whaa..huh? Oh! Oh, yes, I'm quite alright." she was snapped out of her daze.
"Could we ask you a question?" Brock asked.
"Sure. Ask me anything." Joy replied.
"Did someone by the name of Ash Ketchum get a room here tonight?"
"Yes he did. Room number 10. The last one at the end of the hallway." Then it dawned on her. "Would you
two happen to be the ones he ran from three weeks ago?"
"Yes. We're them." Misty spoke up, "And it's all my fault. I never should have slapped him. We fought
all the time but I never thought it would get that far as to be physical. I don't even know why I hit him
in the first place."

Nurse Joy stopped, thought for a little bit then grabbed a key off the rack behind her.
"I'll assume you'll be wanting a room for the night then?" Nurse Joy asked.
"Yes, please." Brock replied.
"Follow me if you will." Nurse Joy thought to herself, I hope that Misty will talk to Ash. Maybe
he will forgive her. He must've had plenty of time to think about it. Maybe giving Misty room number 9
will help give her a little nudge.

They walked down the hall towards the end. But only Brock seemed to notice how far they had gone.
Misty was still looking at the floor.

"Here you go. Room Number 9." Joy said, handing the keys to Brock. "Good night."
"Thanks Nurse Joy." Brock replied. You don't know how much this means to us, Joy. I just hope your
help isn't for naught....

Brock unlocked the door and led Misty inside, closing the door behind her.


Ash noticed a small thud of a door. He stared at the wall that held the door to room 9.

"Pi pikachu pikapi?" (Something wrong Ash?)
"No. Nothing is wrong Pika-pal."
"Pi. Pi pi pikachu pikapi. Pika-chupi pi pi pika" (Oh. I think I'll sleep under the bed Ash. I sense a
storm coming.)

But in reality, Pikachu sensed his trainer's feelings and retreated under the bed just to block
some of the lyrics out of what CD he knew Ash had put in the stereo. It may help Ash feel better, but
some of those lyrics and their meanings weren't lost on him. He knew what they were about as he had
heard them too many times....

Ash eventually stopped staring at the wall and turned around to the stereo. He skipped ahead to track
number 7 and turned up the volume. Right now, he could give a shit less who was in the room beside him.

I hear
A voice say don't be so blind
It's telling me all these things
That you would probably hide
Am I your one and only desire
Am I the reason you breathe
Or am I the reason you cry
I just can't live without you
I love you
I hate you
I can't get around you
I breathe you
I taste you
I can't live without you
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I'm guessing I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you


Brock and Misty's heads both popped up when they heard the all-too familiar song that they only heard
one person play when he was on the verge of giving it all up. Not just training. Not just battling. Not
just his dreams. But everything.....even his life.

Brock knew that once this song started, it was the countdown to destruction. Misty only had maybe a
minute before the final set of lyrics played before the hauntingly familiar chorus sounded for the
last time during the song.

Misty shakily turned to Brock as the second set of lyrics began to sound.
"Oh my god." was all she said before she turned and ran out the door.

And at that moment, Brock knew that it was all or nothing. That song had been played only twice in the
past. He had stopped Ash the first time. Misty had barely made it to him the second time to save him.
Now, it seemed, that time might have finally ran out....that fate had invoked the "third time is a
charm" rule. And Brock did the only thing he could do. He dropped down on one of the two beds, motionless.
And he waited....Misty was the only one who had even a snowball's chance in hell of saving Ash a
third time.


Ash was sitting on his bed. He reached in a hidden pocket and pulled out something that no one would have
thought a kid like Ash Ketchum would own....a Colt .44 revolver.

It seems that this is the end of the line. No one can save me now. Cruel irony and fate have invoked
the "Third time is a charm" rule. No one will come to stop me. Because no one cares. Only Brock and Misty
know about my pistol. And yet they've never inquired as to where, why, or how i got it.

As he sat on his bed, staring at the polished steel of the world's most powerful handgun, he took
out a single bullet. Because that's all he would need. One shot. One kill. No chance of missing when
the target is nothing but yourself.

He slowly slid the shell into the chamber and moved it so that when the trigger was pulled, the
bullet was rotated into position for the hammer to hit the firing cap. In less than a second, a forty-
four slug races down a tube at hypersonic speeds with a deafening bang, shredding whatever it hits
first. Be it man or beast....

And that was the moment he heard the frantic pounding on the door.


The door slowly swung open, revealing Ash, still wrapped in the towel. Misty saw the one thing she
feared the most when she heard this song begin to play. The gun that Ash kept hidden from her and Brock.

I feel
Like you don't want me around
I guess I'll pack all my things
I guess I'll see you around
It's all
Been bottled up until now
As I walk out your door
All I can hear is the sound
I just can't live without you
I love you
I hate you
I can't get around you
I breathe you
I taste you
I can't live without you
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I'm guessing I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you
I love you
I hate you
I can't live without you
I left my hand
Around your heart
Why would you
Tear my world apart

(A/N - as the above part of the song is being played, the following cinematics are taking place.)

Misty immediately threw Ash aside, rushed in, grabbed the gun, unloaded what she saw was a single
bullet, the only amount of ammunition she had ever seen put in it, and promptly threw the pistol into the
garbage can. She tossed the shell back on the bed and turned around. Only to come face-to-face with the
pain-filled eyes of a man on the verge of total collapse.

"Ash please listen to me." Misty began, holding his face in her hands.
She knew that Ash would never hit her, no matter what he was going through. This was her one and only
chance. She knew he had enough strength to easily throw her out the door and lock it behind her. And for
a brief second she wondered why she didn't just throw the pistol right though the window and into the
rose bushes.

Ash again felt the ice around his heart begin to melt. Only this time it was also cracking....and
breaking away in chunks. He almost unnoticeably nodded his head. And in the deepest depths of his
mind, he hoped against all hope that what Misty was about to say was something that could end this
pointless chase...Be it one way. Or another.

"Ash. I'm scared. I'm scared of how far I've pushed you. When I hear you begin to play this song,
my heart literaly doubles its pace. Because I know what has pushed you to play this song in the past. And
I know what has almost happened." She began.

For some reason, unknown to her, she didn't feel like crying. She didn't feel anything. Except warm and

"Ash. I love you. Nothing will ever change that. I was wrong for what I did. And I am truly sorry. Come
what may, I will always love you. I'll love you until the day that I die. No one will ever replace you
in my heart and no one will ever recreate the feelings I have for you. I'll take my love for you to
my grave and beyond. Please Ash. Don't do this. I need you, Ash..... I need you." A single tear slipped
from her eye and that's when she realized that the final lyrics to what was a horrifying song had begun.

I see the blood
All over your hands
Does it make you feel
More like a man?
Was it all
Just a part of your plan?
The pistol shaking in my hands
And all I can hear is the sound

I love you
I hate you
I can't get around you
I breathe you
I taste you
I can't live without you
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I'm guessing I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you
I love you
I hate you
I can't live without you
I love you
I hate you
I can't live without you
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I pick myself off the floor
And now I'm done with you

Time seemed to come to a complete stop as the music faded to it's finish. And Misty watched as Ash
slowly turned around and stopped the CD.


In the other room, Brock heard the song come to, what to him was, it's horrifying close. And he waited.
He heard nothing.
Nothing at all.
And somehow, something told him that it was finally over. That Ash was still with him.
Misty had finally broken through to him.

Without even changing, he took off his shoes, and crawled into bed and fell into a deep sleep. Confident
that the group would be restored and that everything would finally be back to the way it was.


Ash felt the last of the ice fall slowly away from the shattered remains of his heart which were now
flying back together in a blaze of passion. They reformed themselves in a blazing inferno and the only
scars left were a few cracks that were left to heal only with the passing of time....

Misty just stood there and looked at Ash's back. Finally, he turned around and walked back to her,
coming within 2 inches of bumping into her.

"I'm so sorry." was the only thing he said before a single teardrop fell from his eye.
Misty instantly threw her arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug, the tears beginning to
fall from her eyes as well.
Ash returned the hug with a fiercely tight one of his own. He buried his face in her neck and breathed
in her perfume that she wore all the time, no matter what mood she was in. Sakura and Apple
blossoms. And she knew that it was his favorite. He didn't know why, but that information just seemed
to pop into his head.

The only words spoken were whispers so soft that even Pikachu had a hard time hearing them.
"I'm sorry Misty. I'm so sorry." Ash repeated over and over.
"Shhh Shhh. It's okay, Ash. I understand. It's okay."

She moved backward towards the bed and sat down, pulling Ash with her so that his upper body was
cradled in her arms, his head buried in her upper chest. He had quieted down enough so that Misty almost
thought he fell asleep. When she looked down, he seemed to be in some sort of trance. Some where in the
back of her mind, she heard a voice whisper 'Do not disturb him. Just hold him and he shall finally
slay the Beast that plagues his subconcious.'

She simply looked down at what seemed to be the sleeping face of her one true love.


Ash dove into his subconcious and finally confronted the beast within the room he stored all of
the hatred, anger, pain, suffering, apathy, and despair.
He boldy drew a gleaming, golden sword, and threw open the doors.

A pitch-black monster, what could only be thought of as a cross between a serpent and a dragon came out
of the doors, leaving the room empty.


He charged at the dragon and jumped high into the air, his sword held high above his head.

NEVER AGAIN!!!! he cried out as he brought the sword down upon the dragon's neck, slicing
off it's head. He dropped to the ground. The head and body of the dragon fell and hit the ground,
dissolving into a black sand that disappeared.


Ash finally came out of his semi-concious state and gazed up at Misty.
"It's gone. The beast is gone." he stated, quietly.
"I love you, Ash." She smiled.
"I love you too, Misty."

He lifted up and kissed her on the lips. She returned it with equal the intensity. He opened his
mouth and sought permission to enter her mouth with his tongue, which was promptly given.

The lack of oxygen finally forced the two apart. Ash got up and took out the CD from the stereo.
"Like I said as I slayed the beast within me....Never Again." he said quietly and snapped the CD
in two and threw it into the trash. He picked up his CD case and chose differently this time.
He moved to the stereo, turned down the volume, put in Ash's Mix - Alpha, and skiped forward to the
last track. Track number 16.

He turned to Misty as the music began. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her slim waist.
She put her arms around his neck and rested her head against his chest. Now, for the first time, she
realized that she was actually shorter than Ash...short enough that slow dancing with him was just
perfect. And she closed her eyes and smiled as Ash rested his head on top of hers and they swayed to the
music. She listened to Ash's heart beat until the lyrics started. Then she focused all her attention on
the music and the feeling of being wrapped up in her love's arms.

Ash, having heard this song many times over the years, did the same thing he always did when he slow
danced to this tune. He sang quietly to his partner. Only now, she wasn't just his partner. She
was his love. She was his girl. And, for some odd reason, hopefully, his future wife.

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No nothing else matters

As the music ended, Misty looked up and stared into Ash's chestnut eyes. Ash did the same for Misty's
aquamarine pools. He switched it to track number 1 and pulled her to the bed. He didn't intend on making
love to her tonight. It was far too late for that. But it didn't stop him from holding her all night now
did it? Clocks by Coldplay began to softly play over the speakers as Ash turned on the surround sound.

They climed under the covers, Ash now in his sleeping shorts. He laid back on his back and Misty
put her arm across his stomach and pulled him close, her head resting on his muscled chest.
He put her arm around her and pulled her close as well, silently drifting off into sleep that would be
filled of dreams of what their new love would bring. Confident in the knowledge that no matter what
would happen, they would stand by each other's side.

End of When He Stands Alone
(A/N - and so the story has come to a close. unfortunately, i don't have enough time to send this
into The Pokemon Tower or put it on as it is now quarter after eleven. Thank you all for
waiting for me to finish this. it didn't come out quite like i expected but i think that this ending was
much better than what i had originally planned.

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