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When He Stands Alone - Part 4

When He Stands Alone - Part 4
By: Star Fighter

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own, have never owned, or never will own Pokemon or any of it’s things or rights therein.


Words in Italics are people’s thoughts.

*~*~*~*~*~*~ denotes a scene change.

(A/N)- It’s the same thing in every story, just felt like putting it down again.

When we left off, Ash had just won his badge at the Golden Rod City Gym. He had his Pokemon healed at the Pokemon Center and was just heading out of town when Team Rocket showed up. Jessie had her Arbok launch a Poison Sting attack directly at Ash. Ash defended himself with Blastoise and when Team Rocket kept arguing with Ash about a very sore subject, (A/N- we all know what it was) Ash lost control and his rage took over. He ordered Blastoise to use his Beam Cannon attack, which Blastoise did without hesitation. Blastoise himself also lost control of his anger and the results of the Beam Cannon were devastating.
(A/N- By the time Ash had confronted Team Rocket, Brock and Misty were just entering the city on the other side. Which is quite some distance from the Gym and where Ash confronted Team Rocket.)


The ground quivered slightly underneath Brock and Misty.
“What was that Brock?” Misty asked.
“I don’t know. Might have been an earthquake.”
“That’s gotta be the softest earthquake ever...” she was interrupted by the distant sound of an explosion.
“What was that?” Brock asked.
“I don’t know, it sounded like it came from across the city.” Misty said.

She looked around and, sure enough, spotted a mushroom cloud coming up over the tall cityline.

“Brock, look!” Misty yelled, pointing to the cloud which was still rising.
“C’mon Misty! Someone might be hurt! We gotta get there now!” Brock called as he took off running.
“But Brock! What about Ash?” Misty called back, running after him.
“The Golden Rod Gym is across town, he might already be at the site. If he’s even in the city that is.”


(A/N - since there is a lot of talking between Ash and Pikachu in this scene, all Pikachu’s talking will be dubbed into English immediately and set off with *’s.)

Ash and Pikachu walked silently through the forest. Ash thinking of all that had happened today, and Pikachu not having anything to say. Finally, Ash broke the silence.

“Do you think I went a little overboard on Team Rocket? I know that any of Blastoise’s attacks could have done the job. And you could have handled it with both your paws tied behind your back. Why do you think I told Blastoise to use that new attack?”
*No. I don’t think you went overboard Ash. You just lost your temper.*
“But why do you think I told Blastoise to use Beam Cannon?”
*Like I said Ash. You just lost your temper. And I think Blastoise did too.*
“Blastoise? Lose his temper? That’s gotta be the dumbest thing I’ve heard. He came from the Squirtle Squad. He still has the sunglasses. He hasn’t lost his cool since I first caught him. And he hasn’t lost his personality either.”
*Ash. He did lose his temper because you were almost hit by Arbok’s attack. Any pokemon would lose their temper if their trainer was in danger of an attack by a pokemon. Even I have lost it before.*
“How come I’ve never seen you that angry before?”
*Because I kept my rage hidden. But on many occasions it was dangerously close to the surface.*
“Did Blastoise ever lose it like you when he was Wartortle or Squirtle?”
*Not as much as me. But a couple times he did. Even cool-headed pokemon like Blastoise sometimes lose it.*
“Yeah, but not like this. It’s like he never even tried to fight it! It’s like he immersed himself in it. And he used that rage and anger to supe up those hyper beams. I’ve never seen Hyper Beam attacks have that much power or do that kind of damage. Heck, I’ve never even heard of or read about that kind of power from anything I learned on Hyper Beams.”
*Rage can do that to a pokemon. Give it more power that needed for attacks.*
“Yeah but I’ve only seen that kind of damage from bomb detonations.”
*Well, Blastoise’s Beam Cannon is actually two, full powered Hyper Beams encased into one attack. Add to that the rage and anger of his own past and even some from you and me and that makes the beam almost bomb-like in it’s destructive force.*
“I never thought about his past before. It’s been so long...I’d forgotten that he had been abandoned. Just like Charizard had when he was a Charmander.”
*The past makes for some painful and anger-filled memories. But it can also have pleasure-full and happiness-filled memories.*
“I know what point you’re trying to make Pikachu. I get it already. But it’s a little off topic.”
*I’m just trying to help out my closest and dearest friend.*
“Thanks Pikachu.”

Ash stopped walking. Pikachu hopped off Ash’s shoulder and into his arms. They gave each other a hug and Pikachu resumed it’s post on Ash’s shoulder.

“You’re a true friend, Pikachu. Don’t ever change.”
*I don’t plan on it. Actually, before I met you, all I wanted was to evolve into a Raichu. Now that I’m with you, I don’t want to. I want to stay in this form because it offers me certain abilities that Raichu don’t have. Now I’d like to be the most powerful Pikachu in the world.*
“And I’ll do all I can to make that dream come true for you, Pika-pal.”
*Thanks Ash.*

They kept on walking deeper into the forest. Heading for the next town and the next Gym.


Brock and Misty had ran across town as fast as they could. Unknown to them, Ash wasn’t more than 2 miles away, deep in the forest. They had reached the blast point and saw the damage.

“Ohhhhh!” Brock said as he gasped at the scene.
“What did this?” Misty asked Brock as they surveyed the massive crater that was about 6 feet deep at the center and probably a good 50 yards across.
“I don’t know Misty. But whatever it was, it was probably fired from right over there. See that burnt streak of land leading directly towards the crater?”
“Well, it doesn’t look like anybody or any pokemon were hurt. Let’s get to the Gym. Maybe we can find out if he’s been there. Or if he is still there.” Misty said, hastily.
“OK Misty.”


(A/N - again, I'm dubbing the Pokemon talk directly and setting it off with *’s.)

“Looks like it’ll be getting dark soon. Do you want to keep going for a while longer or do you want to stop and set up camp now?” Ash asked Pikachu.
*We can keep going for a while Ash.*

They pressed on as the sun slowly set. The sky had turned into a myriad of colors. Ranging from bright orange up next to the setting sun to a darker orange to red to blue to dark blue and finally out to a dark purple behind them.

“It’s really beautiful out isn’t it?”
“Pikaaa.” the mouse agreed.
About the only thing missing that would make this sight perfect is Misty. Ash sighed as he thought to himself.
*Ash? Something wrong?*
“Huh? Oh. No Pikachu, nothing’s wrong.”
*Ash, I know you a little better than to believe that.*
“No really, it’s nothing.”
*You miss her.*
“Miss who?”
*Ash, don’t play dumb with me.*
“No. Who are you talking about Pikachu?” Ash asked.
“PIKACHUUUU!!!” it called out as it blasted Ash with a Thundershock.
*You know damn well who I’m talking about Ash Ketchum! I’m talking about Misty. Look I know she hurt you but before you recalled me, she sounded like she was truly sorry about hitting you. What’s your problem? You know, when you ran off like that, it probably hurt her just as much as she hurt you.*
“W-w-what are y-y-you t-t-talking ab-b-bout?” Ash stuttered as he writhed on the ground from the electricity.
*Misty was right. You can be so DENSE sometimes Ash! I’ve seen her before after you two get into one of your world-renoun fights. She looks just like you after it’s over.*
“An-an-angry?” he replied, the effects of the attack wearing off.
*No you idiot. Sad. I’ve seen how she reacts to you and vise-versa. She loves you too you nincompoop. Even Brock has seen it and knows it’s love. How that happened is beyond me since he knows almost nothing about it, the poor kid.*
Pikachu retorted as he paced back and forth in front of Ash.
“You don’t understand.” Ash replied as he slowly sat up.
*What the hell do you mean I don’t understand? I understand full well how much she’s put you through and you know it. I’ve been there from day one. Ever since I saw you look at her after she pulled us from the river I knew she was the only one for you and would always be the only one for you.*
“Maybe you’re right.” Ash said as he cradled his pounding head softly in his hands.
*Maybe? I know I’m right. I wouldn’t be suprised if she’s in Golden Rod right now. Sakes alive I ought to Thunder attack both you and Misty right into the dirt. Now hurry up and set up camp. It’s getting dark and I want to eat some ketchup and hit the sack.*


“Can I help you two?” the gym leader stand-in asked Brock and Misty.
“Yes. Have you had any trainers challenge you today?” Brock asked.
“Why would you two need to know?”
“One of them might have been our friend.” Brock told him.
“I shouldn’t be doing this but if you’ve got a picture of him I might be able to tell you if he was in here or not.”
“Here’s one sir.” Misty said as she handed him a photo. “He’s the one in the Pokemon League hat with the Pikachu on his shoulder.”
“Hmmm. Yes. He was in here today. About 5-6 hours ago. Tough trainer. He fought very well but it seemed his heart wasn’t in the match. Would you have anything to do with that?”
“Umm.....” Misty began.
“I thought as much. Look, he seemed to be a really nice boy. Why you would do anything to him hurt him is beyond me. Last I knew he was headed to the Pokemon Center to heal his pokemon. Chances are he’s left there already but you might want to check in, just in case. And when you catch up to him, you might want to apologize for what ever you did to him young lady.”
“I will. Thank you sir.”
“You’re welcome. Now hurry along.”
“Thanks!” Brock and Misty replied as they ran out the gym doors.


Misty burst through the doors of the Pokemon Center with Brock close behind. Misty ran to the front desk.
“Hello. What seems to be the problem?” Nurse Joy asked her.
“Have you seen this boy in here at all today?” Misty said, handing Joy a picture of Ash.
“Yes I have. Why do you ask?”
“Because he’s run away from us.” Brock replied, as Nurse Joy turned to Misty.
“You must be the girl he told me about. Young lady you should be ashamed of yourself. From what he told me, you had no right to hit him in the first place.” Nurse Joy scolded Misty.
“I know. Let’s pretend for a minute that I already feel terrible about it and that no one has to rub it in anymore.” Misty said, tears beginning to well up in her eyes.
“I’m not rubbing it in.”
“Can you tell us where he went Nurse Joy?”
“After he came back from his gym battle, he healed his pokemon, and headed off into the forest. Just on the edge of it, he ran into a boy, a girl, and a talking Meowth. I overheard him warning them to stay away. They didn’t listen.” Joy told them.
“Team Rocket?!” Misty and Brock gasped.
“Yes. But he used a Blastoise to defend himself. The girl had an Arbok try to attack him with Poison Sting. Ash used his Blastoise’s Withdraw to protect himself and his Pikachu. Then he told Blastoise to use an attack called Beam Cannon.”
“Beam Cannon....I heard him and Blastoise talk about that this morning before we got into.....the fight.” Misty replied.
“He told Blastoise to target them. and then he said something, screamed the word ‘fire’ and the next thing I know, two hyper beams erupt from Blastoise. There was a bright flash of light and a huge explosion. A tiny earthquake shook the center. I watched Ash, Pikachu, and Blastoise get up, look at the damage, and then walk off into the forest. A giant cloud had risen up from the detonation.” Nurse Joy continued.
“Brock, we have to go after him!” Misty said as she made for the door.
“Misty we can’t right now. It’s too dark. We’d get lost out in that forest.”
“And besides, the doors are locked at 10:30pm. And it’s already 10:15. You could get some rooms and go out to look for him in the morning.” said Joy.
“OK. We’ll take a room please.”
“Here you go. Room 5.” she replied as she handed Brock the key.
“Thank you.”
They headed to the room and got ready for bed. In little more than half an hour Brock had fallen asleep. Misty was wide awake, worrying about Ash.

God why did I have to go and hit Ash? If I hadn’t, none of this would have ever happened and Ash might be in the bunk across from me right now. She thought to herself as she sat up and stared at the empty bed. She shut her eyes as a single tear fell from her eye. I can’t believe this. I am worthless. My sisters were right.

She fell back and silently cried herself to sleep.


3 Weeks later....

(A/N - by this time, Ash’s mom and Prof. Oak know that Ash had run off from Misty and Brock and both know why as well. Ash had always been one step ahead of Misty and Brock, not realizing that they were right on his tail. Misty and Brock were never more than 5-6 hours away from Ash. In the last city, the same things happened in Golden Rod. Although suprisingly, Team Rocket hasn’t shown up since the encounter with Blastoise’s Beam Cannons back in Golden Rod.)

“C’mon Misty. Third city’s a charm. We’ll get him this time. From what we’ve heard from the last gym leader and Nurse Joy, he’s only 5 or 6 hours ahead of us. I’ve got a feeling that when we reach Ecruteek City, we’ll catch him.”
“Are you sure Brock?”
“Yeah. I have a feeling that Ash is going to have some difficulty beating the Ecruteek Gym Leader.”
“I hope you’re right....”


Grrrr! I’ve been here for almost an hour and both of us have only lost one pokemon each! Pikachu is getting tired and that Alakazam looks to be getting fatigued as well. Gotta think of something..... Ash thought as he and the gym leader were locked in battle.

“Alakazam! Teleport and then use Psybeam!”
“A-la-kazam!” it said as it disappeared.
“Nice try but that won’t work! Pikachu, put everything you’ve got into this next attack. Use Shockwave!” Ash commanded.
“Pika! PIIkaaaaaaaaa......” it concentrated. A thin bubble of electric power began to form around Pikachu. It grew thicker and thicker as it was filled with more energy. A Psybeam appeared out of nowhere and hit the bubble. The beam fizzled out.
“Do it now!”
“CHUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!” the mouse yelled as the bubble expanded violently and rapidly. It filled the gym and, as expected, it hit the invisible Alakazam with full force, knocking it out.
“Alakazam is unable to battle. This round goes to Pikachu!” the ref called.
“Pikaaa....” it panted.
“Pikachu. Return and take a break. Blastoise can take over for now.”
“Pika.” it said as it walked back to Ash’s side and sat down to rest.
“Alakazam, return! Go Gyarados!”
“Go Blastoise!”
“Begin!” the ref said.
“Gyarados! Hydro Pump!”
“Blastoise, use your Hydro Pump too!”

The two attacks met half way and canceled each other out.

“Gyarados, Dragon Rage!”
“Blastoise, withdraw!”

Blastoise withdrew into it’s shell and hardened it’s defense. The dragon rage attack hit Blastoise full force and he took moderate damage.

“Finish it off with Hyper Beam Gyarados!”
“Blastoise! Beam Cannon!”

Both Gyarados and Blastoise began sucking in power and became fully charged at the same time.

“Fire!” both Ash and the gym leader said.

Gyarados launched it’s single Hyper Beam. Blastoise fired it’s Beam Cannon. Gyarados’ Hyper Beam was canceled out by one of the shots from Blastoise’s Beam Cannon, but the other one got through and hit Gyarados straight away, inflicting moderate damage.

“Gyarados! Use another Hyper Beam!”
“Blastoise! Beam Cannon again, let’s go!”

Gyarados and Blastoise launched their attacks.
Gyarados’ Hyper Beam went right between Blastoise’s Beam Cannon attack. The Beam Cannon nailed Gyarados and damaged it critically, almost knocking it out. Blastoise wasn’t as lucky though. The Hyper Beam hit head-on and Blastoise was knocked out.


It was dark out by the time Brock and Misty reached the outer limits of Ecruteek City. Little did they know that Ash was still in the Gym, down to his last Pokemon.

“C’mon Misty. The Ecruteek Gym is just a little further.”
“I’m coming.” she replied as they ran through the city streets.


“Blastoise is unable to battle, this round goes to Gyarados.” the ref said.
“Blastoise return!” Ash called. “Good work, Blastoise.”
“Ready Pikachu? You’re my last hope. And I think one more attack will take Gyarados down.”
“Pika.” (Alright.) It replied as it walked onto the field for the second time that night.
“Begin!” the ref said.

“Gyarados! Finish it with Hyper Beam!”

The massive dragon charged up faster than Ash had thought it would and it let the attack fly.
“Pikachu!!!!!” Ash yelled.

End Part 4
Will Brock and Misty reach the gym before the battle is over? Will Pikachu be able to dodge Gyarados’ attack in time? Stay tuned for Part 5, coming soon!
(A/N - I am soooo mean. Leaving you hanging like that.) >:D

Part 5