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When He Stands Alone - Part 2

When He Stands Alone Part 2

By: Star Fighter

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own, have never owned, or ever will own Pokemon or any of its things there-in etc. etc. etc.
I don’t own, have never owned, or ever will own the song I Stand Alone or any of its things there-in etc. etc. etc.


Words in Italics are people’s thoughts.

*~*~*~*~*~*~ stands for a scene change


As we left off in the last chapter, Ash had woken up early and decided to go to an island in the middle of a lake that our heroes have decided to camp next to. He thought he was the only one awake but little did he know that Misty was awake as well and had followed him to the island using her Staryu.


“Staryu. Land at the same spot Ash did. And make sure you stay silent!” Misty whispered to Staryu as they neared the tiny island where Ash had headed out to just a few minutes ago.

“Hya.” (Ok)

Staryu and Misty landed on the narrow beach. Misty recalled Staryu and slowly but quietly, she crept towards the slab where Ash sat, gazing up at the starry morning sky.


Ash had heard some whispering, the quiet sloshing of water, and the distinct sound of a return beam from a pokeball. Out of the corner of his eye he could see a person who had landed at the island as well.

Hmmm. Looks like I have a hair, yellow shirt, blue shorts with suspenders.....looks like Misty came to see what I’m doing out here. Wait a did she know I was out here? Oh well, I might as well play a little joke on her....

Ash turned his head away from the approaching Misty, pretending that he didn’t see her, and gazed up at the stars. When he heard the first step of her shoes on the rock he spoke, still not looking at her.

“Hey Misty. Didn’t think you’d be up this early.”
Misty stopped dead. How did he do that? “I uh......ummm.....” she stuttered.
“Well? You gonna come sit down or you just gonna keep staring? Which isn’t very polite I might add.” he said, still not looking at her.
“O-Ok.” Misty replied shakily as she sat down next to Ash.
“What are you doing up at this hour?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Ash.”
“I couldn’t sleep. So I came out here to think. Thanks for interrupting.”
“Well excuse me Mr. Philosopher!” Misty retorted, slightly irritated. “I woke up because I heard you get out of your tent.”
“Next time I’ll be quieter...” he muttered.
“What did you say Ash?”
“Nothing. Sorry if I woke you up.” he turned to her.
“It’s ok. So whatcha thinkin’ about?”
“Nothing in particular.” he said quickly.

There was a long silence as they both looked up at the sky, which by now seemed to be getting very slightly brighter.

“Why did you follow me?” he said.
“I thought you could use the company.”
“Thanks but I would have preferred to have sat here alone.”
“Don’t take that tone with me Ash Ketchum!” Misty began. Her voice raising ever higher.
“Hey Misty! Keep it down will ya? You wanna wake up Brock and every Pokemon within a 2 mile radius of here?”
“Are you trying to say something?” her voice grew louder.
“Yeah, Scrawny. I’m telling you to keep your big mouth shut! Or at least keep it down.” Ash said as he turned to her, anger and pain rising within him as his mind and his conscience warred for control of his vocal chords.

*WHACK* “DON’T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT ASH KETCHUM!” she cried out as she brought her hand across his face. His head jerked to the right from the impact. He brought his hand up to his cheek as he slowly turned back towards her. At that moment he felt the last part of his heart explode into millions of flaming pieces.

Oh no! I can’t believe I just hit him! What have I done?!?! Misty thought to herself. She looked into his eyes. What she saw scared her. Pain. And rage. Pure, undilluted rage.

“Ash I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have hit you.” she reached out to touch his cheek but he jerked away, glaring at her. She flinched. Had she been a mirror, she would have cracked and broke from his piercing gaze. It was so cold it could have froze water to ice. He slowly got to his feet, no longer looking at her.

“Ash?” Misty said, worried. She stood and looked again at his face. The rage and pain were still flaring in his eyes as tears slowly slid down his face.

“Oh my god, Ash. I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to hit you. Please forgive me.” she pleaded as tears began to well up in her eyes as well.

He slowly moved past her and down onto the soft shore of the island. The sky grew lighter as the sun began to shine it’s light through the atmosphere. Misty turned towards Ash as he stopped. He pulled a Pokeball from his belt and tossed it out towards the water. The ball opened and out came Blastoise.

“Blastoise Blast? Blast blast blastoise? (Ash what’s wrong? What’s Misty doing here?)

Ash climbed up onto his shell.

“Take me back to camp Blastoise. I’m finished here.” he said frostily.
“Ash wait!”
“Now Blastoise!” he commanded.
“Blast.” (Ok.)

Blastoise headed back for the camp as Ash stood on his shell, his head down. By this time, Misty had called out Staryu and was trying to catch up to Ash. He was already back at camp and packing up his things by the time Misty reached the shore. She quickly recalled Staryu and ran to camp.

“Ash! What are you doing? Look I’m sorry! I should never have hit you. Please Ash.” she pleaded as tears streamed down her face.
“What the hell does it look like I’m doing?” he yelled at her. Pain clearly encompassed in his voice. The noise had woken up Brock, Pikachu, and Togepi.

“Pika? Pikapi pikachu pikacha?” (What? Ash what are you doing?)
“Toge? Toge toge briiii? (Mommy? What is daddy doing?)
“What’s going on out here?” Brock called out as he stumbled out of his tent, not fully awake.
“Ash. Please.” Misty begged.
“Please what Misty? I can’t take it anymore! You’ve verbally bashed me every single time you get, pointed out all my mistakes, and made fun of my Pokemon training. That I could tolerate. This Misty,” he yelled, pointing to his cheek where a red, hand-shaped mark lay. “This is too much. You’ve crossed the line this time Misty. And now you’re gonna get what you want.”
“Ash! Please, I’m sorry! What do you mean what I want?” she sniffled.
Ash pulled out a Pokeball. It had a small thunderbolt etched on it. He turned to Pikachu.
“I’m sorry buddy, but this is only for a little while Pikachu. Return!” he said.
“Pika!!!” (What!!!) the mouse yelled as the beam hit it and it returned into it’s Pokeball.
“Ash what are you doing? You’ve never recalled Pikachu before! What’s this all about?” Brock started.
Ash got his backpack and put it on.
“Well Misty. It looks like you got what you wanted.” He stated, his voice colder than ice. “I’ve heard you wish that I just left and never came back a couple times in the past. Well guess what Misty? Today you get your wish!”
“Ash!” Brock called out.

Ash pulled a Pokeball from his belt and threw it.
“Let me on your back. We’re going for a little flight.”
“Char? Char char charizard zard?” (Ash? What’s this all about?)
“Ash what are you doing?” Brock called out as he began reaching for his pokeball.
“Don’t even try it Brocko. I’m not in the mood. Misty’s gone too far this time and I’m leaving. Good luck with your breeding Brock.” he replied as he got onto Charizard. “Charizard! Take flight now!”

Charizard had never felt it’s trainer have so much anger and pain in his voice before so it didn’t contradict him. It took off with Ash and they sped out of sight.

“ASH NOOOOO! COME BACK ASH! COME BAAAACKKK!!!” Misty called out as she fell to her knees, burying her face in her hands, and began to cry.
“Togepi toge toge priiii!!” (Daddy come back please!!) the little egg-shaped Pokemon looked up at the sky and then turned to it’s mother.
“Misty! What have you done?” Brock said as he ran toward her and knelt down next to her. Togepi waddled up to her, jumped into her lap, and hugged her as best as it could with its tiny arms.
“Toge toge priii....” (Mommy, where’s daddy?)

Misty leaned into Brock and just cried. After a few long moments, her wracking sobs gave way to whimpers, and finally into tiny gasps of air.
“Shhh shhh shhh. It’ll be all right Misty. It’ll be all right.”
“ could it possibly b-be all right? I’ve pushed away...the only man that I...that I ever loved. I’ve broken his heart.”
“Calm down Misty and tell me everything that happened, starting with when you woke up this morning.”

Misty quieted down enough to tell Brock everything that happened.

(A/N) This scene is where the song comes in. Ash is currently flying on his Charizard, thinking about all that happened. Remember, song lyrics are in Bold, character thoughts are in Italics. I’ll be switching back and forth between Ash’s thoughts and the conversation between Misty and Brock. Hope you don’t get confused.

Now I've told you this once before
You can't control me
If you try to take me down you're gonna break
Now I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me
I'm picking you outa me, you run away
I stand alone
I stand alone

Why Misty? Why did you do that to me? You’ve hurt me deeply Misty, and now I don’t know whether I can forgive you anymore or not. I can’t believe you sneak up on me, interrupt me when I want to be alone, and then end up hitting me. Sure, I wished you were there with me, but then again I felt I needed time alone. I love you Mist. Ash thought as he flew onwards towards God-knows-where aboard his Charizard.

You're always hiding behind your so called goddess
So what you don't think that we can see your face
Resurrected back before the final fallen
Now they've arrest until I can make my own way
I'm not afraid of fading
I stand alone
Feeling your sting down inside me
I'm not dying for it
I stand alone
Everything that I believe is fading
I stand alone
I stand alone


And now its my time. Now its my time.
It's my time to dream. My time to dream.
Dream of the sky. Dream of the sky.
Make me believe that this place isn’t plagued
By the poison in me.
Help me decide if my fire will burn out
Before you can breathe,
Breathe into me.

“Damnit Misty! I can’t believe you did this!” Brock said.
“I’m sorry Brock. I didn’t know that he would run away! I feel worthless. I don’t deserve to love him. I don’t even deserve to live.” Misty began crying again.
“Calm down Misty. We’ll find him, don’t worry.” Brock reassured her.
“How Brock? He took flight on Charizard! He could be miles away by now! And it’s all my fault!”
“I was afraid something like this would happen...” Brock muttered.
“What do you mean by that Brock?”

I stand alone
I stand alone
Feeling your sting down inside me
I'm not dying for it
I stand alone
Everything that I believe is fading


I still can’t believe Misty would do something like this. RRRR! I’ve gotta stop thinking about Misty. I’ve left her. It’s time for me to start new again. I’ll focus on training. I’ll keep busy. And most importantly, I’ll encase the shattered remains of my heart. Incase them all in ice. I can never love again. It hurts too much. And yet I can’t bear the thought of being alone....

I stand alone
I stand alone
I stand alone
I stand alone


“Ash and I had a talk last night. He told me that everytime you and him fight, it felt like someone had stabbed him with a knife.”
“Oh my God....”
“A serrated knife, no less.”
“Oh my God, what have I done?” Misty whispered, tears again welling up in her eyes.
“He told me that sometimes he felt like running away. He warned me that it might happen if you ever crossed the line. I still can’t believe you slapped him.” Brock told her.
“What are we going to do Brock? I don’t want to lose him. I can’t lose him. I don’t know what I’d do!” she sobbed.
“It seems you’ve flirted with that fine line between companionship and forced solitude many times. And this time you finally crossed it, pushing Ash over the edge.”
“We have to look for him and apologize again...”
“WE have to apologize? Misty, YOU’RE the one who crossed the line. YOU’RE the one who hit him. YOU’RE the one who drove him away. And YOU’RE the one who has to crawl on your knees and beg forgiveness. I will help you look for him, but this is your mess and you have to be responsible to clean it up. I just hope he will forgive you. And we’re not gonna stop looking until we find him.”

End Part 2

(A/N) - So what did you think? Please review and check back later for Part 3 of When He Stands Alone. Thanks for reading my fanfic and I hope you enjoyed it.


Part 3