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Welcome to LowFlyer1080's Homepage


My Profile
My Fanfiction Stories
Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure Fansite
The Pokemon Tower - Fanfics and Art
My Profile

Hello there and welcome to the Home Page of my website! Most of the content you'll find here can be
found on My FanFiction page. I currently have 3 completed fanfiction stories finished. Feel free to
read them. Hope you enjoy my stories and thanks for visiting my site!

- LowFlyer1080 (aka Star Fighter)

Yes, the urge to write fanfiction has hit me as well. Although of course I'm not that good about
steady updates on my stories. I don't know when I'll have Lightning Fusion done. I have a few stories
I've just added to my profile that I need to add here (if you want to see my profile, click on the link above, then scroll down to see my stories I've authored, my
favorite writers, and my favorite stories).

For those of you who want to know a little more about me, visit my profile by using the link above.
Enjoy reading my stories and please check out my profile as well as the Pokemon Tower
and Dual! PTA story listings. Happy reading!

Favorite parings:
Yugi x Rebecca
Yugi x Tea
Yami x Tea
Marik x Serenity: this is a new one I think and I think that I'm gonna do a story or two on this pairing.
Maybe a branch off of my Mistletoe fanfiction.
Seto x Ishizu: I am a HUGE Trustshipper. this pairing is the best next to Joey x Mai.
Joey x Mai: They belong together. I don't care what anyone says.

- Sailor Moon:
Ami x Makoto: They belong together.
Ami x Rei
Ami x Setsuna: I wish they'd do this more often.
Rei x Minako
Rei x Hotaru
Rei x Setsuna: I wish they'd do this more often, too.
Minako x Hotaru: Very good pairing.
Chibi-Usa x Hotaru: by far the most kawaii pairing ever.
Usagi x Mamoru

- Pokemon:
Ash x Misty: Go Pokeshipping!
Ash x Duplica: they don't do enough of this pairing.
Misty x Jessie: heh. I'm a Shoujo-ai fanatic.
Misty x Duplica
Brock x Duplica
Jessie x James
Delia x Samuel Oak

-Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure:
Kazuki x Mitsuki Sonada
Kazuki x Mitsuki Rara
Mitsuki Sonada x Mitsuki Rara: heh. Shoujo-ai rocks.
Travis Ecks x Mitsuki Rara (read Xtor49's Interstellar Dual! story for this pairing.)

I'm big into shoujo-ai pairings but I also like regular pairings. Let's face it people. Seto and
Ishizu belong together. Joey and Mai belong together. Yugi and Rebecca belong together (with Yami
because to love an Item holder is to love the spirit within that Item). Ami and Makoto belong
together. Minako and Rei belong together. These pairings are ones that were matches made in heaven.

Currently I don't have any links to the websites for you to read Xtor49's fanfiction, Interstellar
Dual!. But hopefully I can get the links to the parts put on My FanFiction page soon.

This page last updated on Stardate 200505.16
