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Muta-Man: Error In Greatness!

Part 8: Eugene’s Finest Four

© 2002 Ralph R. Wells III



All names, events, and locations are fictional. Any simmilartiy, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintentional. All rights reserved.


“According to preliminary reports, all 2,822 students and 56 members of staff have been placed under arrest. They have been charged with 10 counts of contributing to kidnapping. However, as the scope of the investigation continues, more charges could be placed on the students and staff. According to the head officer, the members of the group called the Anti-Nerd Squad will be charged with Extortion, Racketeering, Use and Distributing of an Illicit Substance Metacopazine, Terrorism, Kidnapping, and Assault and Battery. The more this investigation continues, the more and more involvement other members of the school and local government becomes apparent. It seems that the dark reach of this group has touched the lives of everybody in this small Montana town.   It seems that nobody here is innocent, no not one. Save the man who stood alone against this maniacal group, and that man is Richard Wallace, or as we know him Muta-Man.”  – Reporter, Channel 23 Eugene Oregon


It was over at last. The Anti-Nerd Squad was arrested and was being sent away. Meanwhile, the students and parents of the Anti-Nerd Squad were sharing the same fate. Officers and transport vehicles from 4 surrounding counties had to be called in to help with the arrests. But it didn’t stop with the parents of the Anti-Nerd Squad or the students. The Muckland Police and the staff of Muckland High were also being placed under arrest for conspiracy charges as well. Not only that, the Muckland local government was being investigated and already some were being arrested! The town of Muckland, a population of over 200,000 people, was finished in one night over one mistake. That mistake was their selfishness and ignorance.


Meanwhile, Muta-Man (or Richard) was getting some bandages put on him at an ambulance. He was tired and sore after getting violently mutated back and forth thanks to Jennifer Shockka’s electro powers. Getting thrown through a brick wall also didn’t help him or blowing a fireball at a helicopter’s fuel either. His friends Mad Jack, Twitch, Joel, and Seth the Kid were around him along with Joel’s family. As the police took away some of the students, the two spokespeople for Jennifer noticed Seth and exclaimed that Seth was a member too and needed to be arrested as well. Seth turned and was about to surrender to the approaching officers when he got a surprise! Muta-Man said “No”! Muta-Man explained that Seth was responsible for helping him and his friends out. He also said that Seth helped free Joel from Jennifer’s grip. Also, Seth was responsible for telling him to place the camera where the events that made him a mutant could be taped. Finally, Muta-Man said that Seth was in none of the tapes that were shot tonight and that it would be hard to prove that Seth had any part. Hearing that, the police let Seth go. Seth became confused and asked why Muta-Man did that. Muta-Man winked at him and said that he believed in second chances as well as what Seth had become. Seth was now with Muta-Man’s group as well as his friend!


The front of the school had a podium set up so that the state school board could talk to the media that was coming to see the events. Immediately, the school board stated that all of the students at Muckland High were expelled for their actions! Then they said that the entire Muckland High staff was fired and that the school was officially shut down! This wasn’t just for a little while, it was permanent! Jennifer’s dad exclaimed that he was going to fight this and that the police might as well let the students go, because he was going to defend all the students as well as the Anti-Nerd Squad…That was until Michael Corteus revealed his little secret! It turns out he was a member of the State Board of Law and was sent to investigate how he was able to win. Jennifer’s confession about the ex-con being in the legal system checked out and was validated by the Board. Jennifer’s dad was placed under arrest for all of his perjury and in front of the cameras was barred from practicing law in the state! Jennifer’s dad was finished from his career and wouldn’t be a threat anymore!


Robert Parker and Michael Corteus approached Muta-Man and apologized that they couldn’t tell him about what they were or stop the Anti-Nerd Squad. That was when Muta-Man revealed another secret: He knew already before this happened! The two asked how he knew. Muta-Man explained that the Anti-Nerd Squad never bothered to look closely at their Screen Names! Robert’s Screen Name OUEN stood for Montana Bureau of Federal Investigation and Michael’s Screen Name TOAPN stood for State Board of Law - Special Investigations! Muta-Man said that the Anti-Nerd Squad never played video games and that the way they had abbreviated their departments was the same way the game hero in Defender of the Stars abbreviated things! Robert and Michael felt better knowing that Richard knew all along. 


Suddenly, a man approached Muta-Man and asked if he was Richard. When Muta-Man said he was, the man introduced himself as a representative of the chemical company that was responsible for the chemical in Chemical Pond. He had papers and a check for Richard. If Richard would agree not to sue, the company would pay Richard $500,000. Muta-Man agreed and the man told Muta-Man that the chemical was being removed from the pond. As the man left, Mad Jack asked what Muta-Man was going to do with that much money. Muta-Man said that he didn’t have $500,000 because he was splitting it 5 ways with them, this was also including Joel!


As the media hounded the mayor of Muckland, the mayor found it harder and harder to answer their questions. Suddenly, the mayor noticed that his daughter was being taken away. He jumped down from the steps and rushed to see her, and when he got close he asked why she helped the Anti-Nerd Squad. She said that she wanted popularity and was placed into the police vehicle. The media followed him to see Muta-Man and he announced that Muta-Man was the town of Muckland’s newest hero while raising Muta-Man’s arm. Muta-Man tore the mayor’s grip and yelled no. Muta-Man wasn’t going to be the hero of the town that stood by and allowed the events that caused him to be a mutant or his suffering. Muta-Man owed no allegiance or favors to that callous and self centered town. They didn’t want Richard Wallace the human; they weren’t getting Muta-Man!


Richard’s dad came storming into the scene. He had different plans! Yelling and saying cruel things, he demanded Richard to apologize and accept the mayor’s offer. Furthermore, the $500,000 check was going into his bank account, not into Richard’s or anybody else’s hands! Muta-Man placed a hand on his dad’s shoulder, thought for a moment, and then punched his dad in the gut! Grabbing him by his collar, he gave a warning: If he ever laid another hand on his sisters, brothers, or mother he would find him and personally KILL him! Another punch accented the statement which caused Richard’s dad to fly backwards against a tree. Mad Jack, Twitch, Seth the Kid and Joel were shocked, but knew his dad deserved that.


Seth the Kid asked the others where they felt like going now. Muta-Man answered in only one word with a smile on his face: “Home.”


The Next Day in Eugene….


After a good night’s sleep, the four heroes were treated to a parade in their honor. The four heroes along with Joel were to be awarded with medals for their successful defeat of the Anti-Nerd Squad! Muta-Man was going to be given the traditional Key to the City.


During the parade, Ted found Shawn and told him that Mark was found super-saturated in the girl’s shower room. Ted also said that Mark was expelled from school and was arrested for his part in the activities in Muckland under his Screen Name JBW69H. Worst yet for Mark, the Eugene police found evidence that Mark was trying to form his own Anti-Nerd Squad in Eugene along with instructions to make the hypnotic drug Metacopazine.


At the Town Hall that only a couple of days ago the three heroes saved, Joel Trackman, Mad Jack, Twitch, and Seth the Kid was given the medals. When the mayor got to Muta-Man, she thanked him personally and after placing the medal around his neck gave him the large metal key to the city. Muta-Man read the engraftment out loud to his friends and the people watching:


“Muta-Man, Mad Jack, Twitch, & Seth the Kid.

The Muta-Team.”


The mayor said that the phrase “Muta-Team” sounded like an appropriate name to the group. To celebrate, Muta-Man and the rest of the Muta-Team jumped off the stage as to stage dive. Muta-Man was home and at last free of his torture.


A Month Later...


Inside the confines of the Montana State High Security Federal Prison, Jennifer’s dad was with Wind Bag, Naugahyde, Dim Light, and Stalagmite in a holding cell. He was still sore about being disbarred. Wind Bag was still mad that Richard now had Joel and was still stating he was going to kill Richard.


Outside, several large explosions occurred! Before Jennifer’s dad could figure out what was going on, the wall next to him exploded! Tri Nitro had used her powers to blast the walls to get to them. Diamondite cut the shackles to Dim Light, then Wind Bag, then Naugahyde, then finally Stalagmite. Jennifer came into the cell to see the progress. When Jennifer’s dad asked to be freed, she said “Good Bye” and left him in the cell. He remained all by himself. Left to be with the people he may have helped get in there…


When the Anti-Nerd Squad was far away from the prison, they regrouped and began wondering what was next. Wind Bag bellowed that he was going to kill Richard and they were going to help him do that! Jennifer answered Wind Bag’s command with a back hand to Wind Bag’s face! She hit him so hard, he fell down to the ground.


Jennifer said “He was right. The Richard we knew truly is dead. He is...He really is…MUTA-MAN!”






*** THE END ***



…Or is it?