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Subject: Extreme Priority – Chicken game Objet: Priorité Extrême – évasion de trouillard URL: Due to some problems faced, until there is a new image, there will not be any images zip folder presented. (ENCODED - different - ENCODÉE – différent) ****WITHIN COMING 48 HOURS I MAY BE CALLED BACK TO TRIAL**** Yesterday, something unexpected came to be declared, saying that I am not actually tried but it’s all decoy and the country that I live in is innocent. Principally speaking, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter not because I look for a scapegoat but that the conditions which they present as natural living and normal looking living are excessively dangerous and far from providing a placid state of mind. This is something like blaming the script of a really experienced war story for performing which one actor may get a fatal injury while shooting the clash scene; it has to do with the location and the factors, the conditions the people are exposed to in normal living; that is not a prosperous country and for the sake of seeming to lead a normal life, I am supposed to be exposed to poverty and as if what is done is some acclaimed thing, it seems to give some a degree of pride while I had to wait until now in poverty; I cannot afford to wait so if you are that enthusiastic about me to claim some position; bother those that occupy those positions; not me because I am really irritated by the opinion of being pushed to live some ventures because of a dislike against some are not properly and effectively uttered and in the end; I become the active victim of a passive form of anger against some; do I look like a boxer’s sandbag? Go and reflect your anger at those you really hate and leave me alone in terms of leading my life the way I want. My life looks like the ever changing and unstable look of Mr. Potato head and now when some things had grown serious now there is an aura of some chicken game back down telling that it’s just a script, in fact the country that I live in have no actual policy of trying me, but she provides an awful example by how the average life is there and how people are drowned to debts; and it has been found out that there will not be a financial benefit provided for me for having an achievement at all and any property sale or alike will directly head to meet the payment of the debts of so-called parents and on the other hand, I am not quite able to have my family alongside and live the order and the dignity I badly need all because a god forsaken country that had committed crimes against humanity in her past, within the foundation of her sovereign existence with some agents of such a misdeed acting as founders of that country (not necessarily one or two in the rank, but go way down and you will see some) and the former land for abusive policies chooses such a place and bases her demands of abusing my life to survive and does not consent raising my living standards or force those influential on limitation of the territory I have to be confined in (who are real genocide or assimilation heroes too) and I cannot have proper living because the system of the country that I live in are as such. The former land will either be forced to take the steps to make necessary concessions to make my surrounding become more palatable and enable me to have the best, fitting and satisfying option to freely represent who I am and bring an emphasis for what I wish to be known as or will brace for more awful things to happen; and it’s just luck that is the case if I haven’t hurt anyone until now, but this doesn’t mean that will not ever occur; and if the whole thing around me is a damn script, then it should be clarified that there is no point in making me seem as if I am obliged to focus on the chores they set, such as military service and alike, because they will be for benefits of others; not the mentioned country, so why should I be responsible for them? Those that drag me to write those lines may argue that I have to do it alone because it’s me that the people will listen to which I also disagree because for long years, they had done everything in my name, namely if they would come and speak about what my requirements are, the people are expected to listen to them so this just a futile effort that they have to gain advantage both from the current and the coming one; but the uncertified lines do not have any positive gains for them either; they are not to be forgiven. Secondly, the conditions that force me to stay, whether this might be the only place elsewhere available or not in terms of their finances is not to interests of the human rights in context, because you wouldn’t have born and bred somebody to have the chances for him to live with chances provided but challenges growing. I can volunteer to find a perfect place for me to live in prosperity and feel truly at home with my loved ones and such a place can become a home somewhere I will never be forced to leave or be in need of leaving. There obviously are places on earth such picturesque, tranquil and prosperous with a great landscape, in one morning you wake up to see and you are not irked of looking at it or living in it; thus, due to volatile conditions forcing me I have to seem inconsistent maybe but I think I stick to north of the former land, whether to their like or dislike and find some terrain I can be armed and able to self-defend myself and defend my loved ones too and where things will seem less burdensome and more voluntary work. The aspect of my mother’s existence will obviously become a factor that will keep me at some specific points, because I looked for her and if for some reason of what I have to remain pristine is supposed to be kept so and if it may mean I have to live somewhere I will never have to leave, let this place be somewhere where she can also be physically existent, for me to be within alongside her so that I can live happily and have a broad geographical vast setting I will never feel imprisoned; such an adjustment is supposed to be made at any extent and only then will those that run businesses that can have impact over my life will claim they are right if I will turn out to be whimsical there; I should be open to the country, seeing my loved ones around and should never wake up to any day thinking how I will have to make it to the next one or be agitated by having debts or any health problems or physical issues of failure of self-expression turning to issues of psychological kind. If these will not be done, it seems hardly likely that I will quit talking or quit talking to some specific. AND NOW I SEAL IT ALL FOR TODAY TO SEE WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. The tape for today starts; this was recorded from a call made about some seven or eight hours ago; one of the numbers belonging to a private equity firm and the other belongs to a financial institution; the duration marked as straight five minutes. 1: Now, we are supposed to find an occasion to be helping us keep quiet. We have that as our top privilege. 2: I still insist some other trouble with police will require him to appear in custody as then we can still merge any other trouble with a current one; yet it’s got to be really a big trouble. 1: I see; nothing such good comes to my mind; how about cell phones? 2: No, well, yes. Yes, find something about that will you? 1: How am I supposed to reach for you? 2: Call me in the evening; but not from this number. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!